School Counseling Department

School Counselors

School Counselors

Ms. Kenadee Pezzano   (Grades 6-8) 
330-679-2305 ext 4005

Mrs. Alannah Smith 

(Grades 9-12)

330-679-2305 ext 4006

School Counselor Pic

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!

Hello Southern Local Students and Families!

We are looking forward to helping you navigate through Jr./Sr. High School by assisting with graduation, college/career planning, social/emotional needs, and ultimately empowering you to be the best version of yourself! We can't wait to meet each of you and your families!

Semester Grading Explained

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Our grading system utilizes a percentage scale with alphabetical equivalence with the following description:

  90%-100%  A A superior student who consistently shows subject mastery and frequently works beyond the assignments.
 80%-89% B A good student who is above average in performance and attitude.
 70%-79%  C An average student who regularly completes the minimum requirements.
 60%-69%  D A student who frequently has difficulty completing assignments.
 0%-59%  F This mark indicates the student has failed to meet minimum standards and will not receive credit for the course.
 P  Pass Credit given with no letter grade or percent attached.
  I Incomplete Two (2) weeks after report cards have been issued; an incomplete grade will become an F grade due to the student not meeting the minimum course standards. Exceptions may be taken under consideration with the teacher and principal approval.


Graduation Requirements

To view the Ohio Gradation Requirements needed to graduate, click on the picture. 

To see the requirements  to receive the Diploma Seals and what Seals qualify for graduation, click on the picture.

Ohio Graduation Requirements
State Seals

Navigating Graduation and Beyond



Video Player

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Counselors DO NOT maintain 24-hour access to e-mail accounts. In the event of a counseling emergency, call the Crisis Center at 330-424-2267 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK or Text "4hope" to 741741 or call the Salineville Police Department


Important Dates


Role of the School Counselor

What is a school counselor?
• A certified, specially trained, caring person
• A school person who helps all
• A resource person
• A coordinator
• A consultant
• A group leader
• A person who helps teachers, adults, and parents understand students

How does a student see the counselor?
• Appointment made by counselor
• Self-referral
• Administrative referral
• Teacher or other staff referral
• Referral by friend
• Walk in

What does a counselor do?
• Talks with students individually and in groups
• Helps to identify the needs of students
• Works with potential dropouts
• Helps students relate to others
• Promotes positive attitudes and values among students
• Aids teachers and parents in helping students
• Helps people make better use of community resources
• Uses tests to provide information about abilities, achievement, interests and needs
• Assists students with the process of growing up
• Coordinates efforts with other school specialists
• Makes presentations at parent meetings
• Helps with school, college, job, career and personal plans
• Participates in curriculum development
• Hosts college admissions representatives
• Visits college campuses to obtain firsthand information
• Responds to parent telephone calls
• Writes recommendations for students

With whom does a school counselor consult?
• Teachers
• Parents
• Administrators
• Pupil personnel workers
• Community resource personnel
• Physicians, psychologists and mental health professionals
• Prospective employers