Please keep in mind that the rules in this student handbook are designed for your safety. Your choices determine your destiny.

Vision Statement
"Southern Local will be a safe place of excellence, where all students are connected and striving to reach their full potential."
Mission Statement
"Creating Confident Communicators and Problem Solvers to serve as productive members of Society."
"T.R.I.B.E" (Trust - Respect - Integrity - Belief - Excellence)
Students are responsible for knowing the contents of their handbooks.
It is the student’s responsibility to read through the handbook carefully and share it with your parents.
The revisions and modifications of the Southern Local Board of Education Policy Manual is a continually ongoing project. As long as the provisions of the “Student Handbook” are not inconsistent with the Board of Education Policy Manual or with State Law, the provisions within this handbook will be considered to be a part of the Board’s Policy Manual.
Student Handbook
Students must be enrolled for a minimum of five credits (5) unless the principal grants prior approval.
Student’s schedules providing for “other guided learning experiences” away from the school including Credit Flexibility shall include parental signature indicating approval and is to be planned and approved by the principal. This plan shall become part of the student’s permanent record.
A parent and student conference with the principal is necessary to arrange a special schedule within state attendance guidelines.
During the school day, students are not permitted to go to automobiles unless permission is granted from the principal’s office.
Students are not permitted in the building or on school grounds after dismissal time unless accompanied by a teacher or supervisor who is responsible for the students, unless approved by the Building Administration.
Students may not leave class before the bell rings. The bell only announces the end of the class period - teachers dismiss students.
Period | Time | Length |
1st | 7:30-8:11 | 41 min |
2nd | 8:14-8-55 | 41 min |
3rd | 8:58-9:39 | 41 min |
4th | 9:42-10:23 | 41 min |
FLEX | 10:26-10:58 | 27 min |
5th | 10:56-11:37 | 41 min |
6th | 11:40-12:21 | 41 min |
7th | 12:24-1:05 | 41 min |
8th | 1:08-1:49 | 41 min |
9th | 1:52-2:33 | 41 min |
Period | Time | Length |
1st | 7:30-8:11 | 41 min |
2nd | 8:14-8:55 | 41 min |
3rd | 8:58-9:39 | 41 min |
4th | 9:42-10:23 | 41 min |
5th | 10:26-11:07 | 41 min |
6th | 11:10-11:51 | 41 min |
7th | 11:54-12:35 | 41 min |
8th | 12:38-1:19 | 41 min |
9th | 1:22-2:03 | 41 min |
Activity | 2:06-2:33 | 27 min |
Period | Time | Length |
1st | 9:30-10:00 | 30 min |
2nd | 10:03-10:33 | 30 min |
3rd | 10:36-11:06 | 30 min |
4th | 11:09-11:39 | 30 min |
5th | 11:42-12:15 | 33 min |
6th | 12:18-12:53 | 33 min |
7th | 12:54-1:27 | 33 min |
8th | 1:30-2:00 | 30 min |
9th | 2:03-2:33 | 30 min |
The school simply cannot teach students who are not present. The entire process of education requires a continuity of instruction, classroom participation and learning experiences in order to achieve the goal of maximum educational benefits.
Students are expected to be in school on time unless they are ill or there is a serious illness or death in the family or for some reason the principal has seen fit to grant permission for absence.
The students are permitted a maximum of two (2) days per school year for visits to institutions of higher learning (colleges, business schools, technical schools, etc.). These visits will be considered as approved field trips and will not be considered absences from school. All visits to these schools are to be arranged prior to the visit by the high school guidance counselor.
It is important for every student in Ohio to attend school every day. Missing too much school has long-term, negative effects on students, such as lower achievement and graduation rates. There are many reasons students miss school, but districts often can directly impact their students’ attendance. By using data to identify and support students who may need extra support and services, districts can target supports to get students to school every day. Regular school attendance is an important ingredient in students’ academic success. Excessive absences interfere with students’ progress in mastering knowledge and skills necessary to graduate from high school prepared for higher education and the workforce. To support academic success for all students, the district will partner with students and their families to identify and reduce barriers to regular school attendance. The district will utilize a continuum of strategies to reduce student absence including, but not limited to: Notification of student absence to the parent or guardian; Development and implementation of an absence intervention plan, which may include supportive services for students and families; Counseling; Parent education and parenting programs; Mediation; Intervention programs available through juvenile authorities; and Referral for truancy, if applicable.
(A) As used in this section and section 3321.191 of the Revised Code, "habitual truant" has the same meaning as in section 2151.011 of the Revised Code.
(B) When a board of education of any city, exempted village, local, joint vocational, or cooperative education school district or the governing board of any educational service center determines that a student in its district has been truant and the parent, guardian, or other person having care of the child has failed to cause the student's attendance at school, the board may require the parent, guardian, or other person having care of the child pursuant to division (B) of this section to attend an educational program established pursuant to rules adopted by the state board of education for the purpose of encouraging parental involvement in compelling the attendance of the child at school.
No parent, guardian, or other person having care of a child shall fail without good cause to attend an educational program described in this division if the parent, guardian, or other person has been served notice pursuant to division (C) of this section.
(C) On the request of the superintendent of schools, the superintendent of any educational service center, the board of education of any city, exempted village, local, joint vocational, or cooperative education school district, or the governing board of any educational service center or when it otherwise comes to the notice of the attendance officer or other appropriate officer of the school district, the attendance officer or other appropriate officer shall examine into any case of supposed truancy within the district and shall warn the child, if found truant, and the child's parent, guardian, or other person having care of the child, in writing, of the legal consequences of being truant. When any child of compulsory school age, in violation of law, is not attending school, the attendance or other appropriate officer shall notify the parent, guardian, or other person having care of that child of the fact, and require the parent, guardian, or other person to cause the child to attend school immediately. The parent, guardian, or other person having care of the child shall cause the child's attendance at school. Upon the failure of the parent, guardian, or other person having care of the child to do so, the attendance officer or other appropriate officer, if so directed by the superintendent, the district board, or the educational service center governing board, shall send notice requiring the attendance of that parent, guardian, or other person at a parental education program established pursuant to division (B) of this section and, subject to divisions (D) and (E) of this section, may file a complaint against the parent, guardian, or other person having care of the child in any court of competent jurisdiction.
(D)(1) Upon the failure of the parent, guardian, or other person having care of the child to cause the child's attendance at school, if the child is considered an habitual truant, the board of education of the school district or the governing board of the educational service center, within ten days, subject to division (E) of this section, shall assign the student to an absence intervention team as described in division (C) of section 3321.191 of the Revised Code.
(2) The attendance officer shall file a complaint in the juvenile court of the county in which the child has a residence or legal settlement or in which the child is supposed to attend school jointly against the child and the parent, guardian, or other person having care of the child, in accordance with the timelines and conditions set forth in division (B) of section 3321.16 of the Revised Code. A complaint filed in the juvenile court under this division shall allege that the child is an unruly child for being an habitual truant and that the parent, guardian, or other person having care of the child has violated section 3321.38 of the Revised Code.
(E) A school district with a chronic absenteeism percentage that is less than five per cent, as displayed on the district's most recent report card issued under section 3302.03 of the Revised Code, and the school buildings within that district, shall be exempt from the requirement to assign habitually truant students to an absence intervention team for the following school year and shall instead take any appropriate action as an intervention strategy contained in the policy developed by the district board pursuant to divisions (A) and (B) of section 3321.191 of the Revised Code. In the event that those intervention strategies fail, within sixty-one days after their implementation, the attendance officer shall file a complaint, provided that the conditions described in division (B) of section 3321.16 of the Revised Code are satisfied.
All students must present a written excuse on the day they return from an absence. Excuses will not be accepted via Fax, unless by a physician. Excuses will be accepted prior to 1st period beginning the day following your return to school (Section 3321.04 ORC). The excuse should be dated and contain the reason for your absence, the date you were absent and be signed by your parent or guardian. Also, it is understood that phone calls from parents do not cancel the necessity for a written excuse.
In addition to this, all students returning from home instruction must present a doctor’s statement of fitness to return to school. Absent students who have not been on home instruction may also be required to present medical proof of illness. A doctor’s excuse must be submitted for a doctor’s appointment. Doctor’s excuses can not be backdated. It is the right of the attendance officer to accept or deny any excuse given for an excused absence.
Early dismissals are to be approved in the Attendance office before 7:45 A.M. the day of the dismissal. Early dismissal must coincide with the state accepted excusable absences. Students are to present a written request from their parent or guardian which will state the time, date, and reason for the early dismissals. This written request should include an address and phone number where the parent/ guardian can be reached in case of any questions. Parents are to provide the reason for the early dismissal when calling by phone and requesting a student to be excused.
Early dismissals are excusable if they are for appointments with doctors, dentists, etc., or for attending a funeral. The school will request a slip from the doctor or dentist for such appointments. Early dismissals for other reasons that are not approved by the principal are to be counted as unexcused absences.
Students with an early dismissal are to report to the office at the time stated on their excuse. It is the student’s responsibility to show the classroom teacher the dismissal excuse issued by the office and to report to the office at the appropriate time.
There will be NO bus passes accepted for students to ride another bus unless there is a family emergency or custody situations. If a bus pass is requested it must be filled out in its entirety and signed at the discretion of the Principal.
Students who arrive after school has convened, but before 9:15 A.M., will be considered tardy. Tardiness will be considered as excused for a doctor’s or dentist’s appointment, a late bus or non-running bus route, attendance at a funeral, or an emergency deemed necessary by the school.
Students attending A.M. classes at the CCCTC are required to sign in at Southern Local by 11:30 A.M. Students who sign in tardy from the CCCTC more than 5 times per nine weeks will lose their driving privileges to and from the CCCTC.
Students attending Post Secondary courses at local universities are required to be on time for classes scheduled at Southern Local. All Southern Local tardy/absent rules will apply.
Southern Local provides district transportation for all students to school. Students who drive to school do so at their own risk. Automotive malfunctions are NOT excused absences. (Out of gas, flat tire etc..)
The following discipline may be entered for those who accumulate excessive, unexcused tardies per nine (9) week period.
5 Tardies = 1 Detention after School (Every four tardies counts as a half day unexcused absence.)
10 Tardies = (1) DRA
15 Tardies = (3) days DRA (If a driver, can lose driving privileges for rest of semester)
20+ Tardies = (3) days DRA (If a driver, lose driving privileges for rest of semester)
Students missing more than (45) consecutive minutes and less than 3 hours during the school day, whether excused or unexcused, will result in ½ day of absence.
- Report to the Attendance office, sign in and state your reason or present a written note explaining the tardiness.
- If your bus arrives late, report to the office and have your name removed from the absence list before reporting to class.
If you are 18 years of age and living at home, you are under the jurisdiction of the home. You may not write your own notes excusing yourself from school or classes.
The only exception to these rules is for adult students who are emancipated or living on their own and are financially independent. To be considered financially independent, the following criteria must be met:
1. Students must provide documentation of residence by furnishing a copy of the rental agreement or the copy of a rent receipt.
2. Document at least 30 days of continuous employment.
3. Provide a personal budget documenting that income from employment meets or covered expenses.
4. Provide a statement from his/her employer with the students work schedule so that it will not conflict with the students school schedule.
5. No later than the 10th day of each month, document payment of rent, utilities, and the living expenses from the previous month.
6. No later than the 10th day of each month, document continued employment by providing copies of pay vouchers for the previous month.
All students who are 18 and older are required to sign a contract stipulating their responsibilities for attendance, grades, and behavior. These students may lose their privilege to attend Southern Local.
A. Rights
1. The adult student has rights outlined in the Student Handbook.
2. The adult student has the right to inspect his/her record folder with the guidance counselor.
3. The adult student must notify the guidance counselor of an appointment prior to reviewing their records.
4. No unauthorized person (including parents or guardians) may inspect a student’s record without the adult student’s permission.
5. No one may release a copy of the information in a student’s record folder without the adult student’s permission.
B. Responsibilities
1. The adult student must keep the high school officials notified of any change of address, phone number, or school district of residence.
2. The adult student must put in writing a request for release of their school records to any person, school, agency, or employer prior to their release.
Teachers will not refuse to admit students who are tardy to class. On every (3rd) tardy to class per nine weeks, the teacher will issue a referral to the office. Tardiness cases are a matter of classroom discipline and teachers are required to issue a referral to the office. Teachers that have detained a student and caused tardiness are to provide the student with a pass for the next class. Teachers are responsible for requesting a student to be excused.
Detention periods will be assigned as a penalty for certain discipline problems. After school detention will necessitate that the student arrange for transportation home. Parents needing to reschedule assigned detentions must do so prior to the scheduled detention. There will be NO HITCHHIKING HOME!
Detentions assigned by the principal start promptly at 2:30 P.M. in DRA room or assigned room, students will not be admitted after 2:30 P.M. and without written faculty permission or at the discretion of the administrator conducting the detention. Detentions are completed at 3:30 P.M. Students are to work or read, not sleep or rest their heads on their desk. This is not a social time. Students are to be quiet. Bring schoolwork to occupy your time constructively!!
Discipline Reassignment Area may be assigned in place of an after school detention or an out of school suspension. Students assigned to DRA will report to the office immediately following homeroom. Students in DRA will work on teacher, DRA supervisor and/or administration assigned work and will not be permitted to leave the room during the day. The DRA teacher will escort the students to the cafeteria to get lunch and then back to the DRA room to eat lunch.
A student who becomes ill or injured during the school day will report directly to the school office for first aid. The office secretary, principal, or principal’s designee will complete arrangements for the student to go home due to illness. Students are not to leave school without permission from the office when ill.
If a student has used his/her allotted days absent, the student will need a doctor’s excuse. (If the school nurse sends a student home because he/she is fevered, it is considered a school/medical excuse).
If you wish to leave school for any reason other than illness, the principal or his designee will determine whether the absence is excused or unexcused.
Students are not permitted to call home from a cell phone. All calls must come from the main office. Any violation of this will be considered insubordination and if the student leaves it will be considered unexcused.
Student visitors are not permitted on school grounds during regular school hours. All other non-student visitors must report to the main office and may meet with faculty members during their lunch or conference periods only. NO VISITORS ARE PERMITTED IN THE BUILDING WITHOUT A VISITOR’S PASS.
In order to be promoted from one grade to the next at the High School level, a student will have to earn the following credits:
Senior | 15 Credits minimum |
Junior | 10 Credits minimum |
Sophomore | 5 Credits minimum |
At the 7th and 8th grade levels, a student will be promoted to the succeeding grade level when he/she has:
A. Completed the course requirements at the presently assigned grade.
B. In the opinion of his/her teachers, achieved the instructional objectives set for the present grade
C. Demonstrated sufficient proficiency to permit him/her to move ahead to the educational program of the next grade.
D. Demonstrated the degree of social, emotional, and physical maturity necessary for a successful learning experience in the next grade.
Students participating in sports or other activities must be in attendance the full day of the activity or game, unless the principal deems the absence as school related.
Participation in athletic activities is a supplement to the total education process and an earned privilege. As such, student participation can be maintained only by continuing with acceptable academic performance.
To determine nine-week eligibility to participate in athletics on an interscholastic level, a student must be passing subjects the preceding nine weeks that earn minimum of five (5) or more credits per year toward graduation. As a clarification, a student that passes in subjects that will be equal to five (5) or more credits per year towards graduation one nine-weeks will be eligible the following nine weeks. In addition, the student must not exceed one (1) nine-week subject failure the preceding nine-weeks, regardless of how many credits are passed, to maintain his/her eligibility.
Effective with the end of the first grading period of the 2022-2033 school year, a student attending Southern Local Junior-Senior High School must also have a 1.00 G.P.A. or better and have no more that one (1) F in classes they are enrolled in.
1. Each extracurricular activity will have a set of rules or regulations governing participation, which specify the grounds for removal. All participants are to be made aware of these rules and the penalties of violation.
2. Any student may be suspended from an athletic team for a period of time for the use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, profanity, acts of immorality, or any other unacceptable conduct in or out of school by the coach or School Administration.
It shall be the policy of the Board of Education to acknowledge each student’s successful completion of the instructional program appropriate to the achievement of district goals and objectives as well as personal proficiency by the award of a diploma at graduation ceremonies.
The Board shall award a regular high school diploma to every student enrolled in this District who meets the requirements of graduation established by this Board and approved by the State Board of Education. There shall be only one (1) diploma awarded by this District and no distinctions shall be made between various programs of instruction.
Graduation Requirements
A. Students in the class of 2018 and beyond are required to have 22 units of credit for graduation.
B. The State of Ohio and the Southern Local Board of Education prescribe the following as the minimum course area and credit distribution required for receipt of a high school diploma in this school district.
(1) "One unit" means a minimum of one hundred twenty hours of course instruction, except that for a laboratory course, "one unit" means a minimum of one hundred fifty hours of course instruction.
(2) "One-half unit" means a minimum of sixty hours of course instruction, except that for physical education courses, "one-half unit" means a minimum of one hundred twenty hours of course instruction.
Graduation Requirements
English - 4 units
Mathematics - 4 units
Science - 3 units
Social Studies - 3 units
Fine Art - 1 unit
Financial Literacy - .50 units
Health/P.E. - 1 unit (½ unit PE = 2 years of PE and ½ unit of Health)
Electives - 5 units
Total - 21.5 units
Beginning on or after July 1, 2022 all students entering ninth grade, Ohio law requires all students entering will need to earn ½ credit hour of financial literacy to meet graduation requirements.
New Graduation Requirements for the graduating class of 2018 and beyond:
● Ohio Course Requirements remain the same
● All students must take end-of-course exams:
○ Algebra 1 & Geometry
○ Biology
○ American History & American Government
○ Students studying Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate or taking dual enrollment courses in American History or American Government may take assessments aligned to those courses to avoid double testing.
● And the following
○ First - Earn a passing score (684) on Algebra I and ELA II tests. Students who do not pass the test will be offered additional support and must retake the test at least once.
○ Second - If testing is not your strength, after you have sat twice for your tests, there are 3 additional ways to show competency:
■ Option 1: Demonstrate Two Career-Focused Activities (At least one of the 2 must be foundational)
● Foundational
○ Proficient scores on WebXams
○ A 12-point industry credential
○ A pre-apprenticeship or acceptance into an approved apprenticeship program
● Supporting
○ Work-based learning
○ Earn required scores on Work Keys
○ Earn the OhioMeansJobs Readiness Seal
■ Option 2: Enlist in the Military
● Show evidence that you have signed a contract to enter a branch of the U.S. Armed Services upon graduation.
■ Option 3: Complete College Coursework
● Earn credit for one college-level math and/or college-level English course through Ohio’s free College Credit Plus program.
○ Third - Earn two of the following Diploma Seals, choosing those that line up with your interests. These seals give you the chance to demonstrate academic, technical and professional skills and knowledge that align to your passions, interests and planned next steps after high school.
■ At least one of the two must be Ohio-designed:
● OhioMeansJobs Readiness Seal (Ohio)
○ Filling out a 3 page mentor form that someone from work, school and community fill out to show you are work-ready.
● Industry-Recognized Credential Seal (Ohio)
○ Receiving 12 or more industry credentials
● College-Ready Seal (Ohio)
○ Earning a score of 22 or higher on ACT in English and Math
● Military Enlistment Seal (Ohio)
○ Must provide evidence of enlistment in a branch of the United States Armed Forces
● Citizenship Seal (Ohio)
○ Earning a final course grade of B or higher in American History and American Government; or receiving a 3 or higher on the American History and American Government end-of-course exams.
● Science Seal (Ohio)
○ Earning a final grade of B or higher in an Advanced Science course, or earning a 3 or higher on the Biology end-of-course exam.
● Honors Diploma Seal (Ohio)
○ Students must complete the honors requirements listed below
● Seal of Biliteracy (Ohio)
○ Students must demonstrate high levels of proficiency in English and at least one other language
● Technology Seal (Ohio)
○ Students must demonstrate knowledge and skills on Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate courses and tests, through College Credit Plus work or by completing a qualifying technology course
● Community Service Seal (Local)
○ Complete a minimum of of 35 community service hours
● Fine and Performing Arts Seal (Local)
○ Students must complete one of the following:
■ Earn 2 full credits in Band, Choir, Yearbook or Art
■ Participate in Drama for 2 years
● Student Engagement Seal (Local)
○ Two completed seasons of a sport of club (i.e., FFA, Baseball, Basketball, Track, Drama, etc).
Beginning with students who enter ninth grade for the first time on or after July 1, 2017, the two units of instruction prescribed by division (B)(7) of this section shall include at least one-half unit of instruction in the study of world history and civilizations.
(8) Six elective credits (5 Electives + 1 Fine Art)
Each student's electives shall include at least one unit, or two half units, chosen from among the areas of business/technology, fine arts, and/or foreign language.
(C) Beginning with students who enter ninth grade for the first time on or after July 1, 2010, except as provided in divisions (D) to (F) of this section, the requirements for graduation from every public and chartered nonpublic high school shall include twenty units that are designed to prepare students for the workforce and college. The units shall be distributed as follows:
(1) English language arts, four units;
(2) Health, one-half unit, which shall include instruction in nutrition and the benefits of nutritious foods and physical activity for overall health;
(3) Mathematics, four units, which shall include one unit of algebra II or the equivalent of algebra II, or one unit of advanced computer science as described in the standards adopted pursuant to division (A)(4) of section 3301.079 of the Revised Code. However, students who enter ninth grade for the first time on or after July 1, 2015, and who are pursuing a career-technical instructional track shall not be required to take algebra II or advanced computer science, and instead may complete a career-based pathway mathematics course approved by the department of education as an alternative.
For students who choose to take advanced computer science in lieu of algebra II under division (C)(3) of this section, the school shall communicate to those students that some institutions of higher education may require algebra II for the purpose of college admission. Also, the parent, guardian, or legal custodian of each student who chooses to take advanced computer science in lieu of algebra II shall sign and submit to the school a document containing a statement acknowledging that not taking algebra II may have an adverse effect on college admission decisions.
A student may fulfill one unit of mathematics under division (C)(3) of this section by completing one-half unit of financial literacy instruction to satisfy the requirement prescribed under division (C)(9) of this section and one-half unit of a mathematics course. The one-half unit course in mathematics shall not be in algebra II, or its equivalent, or a course for which the state board requires an end-of-course examination under section 3301.0712 of the Revised Code.
Students who choose to take one unit of advanced computer science in lieu of algebra II, as described in division (C)(3) of this section, shall not be permitted to complete one-half unit of financial literacy instruction to satisfy the mathematics unit requirements of that division. Instead, those students shall be required to complete the one-half unit of financial literacy instruction under division (C)(8) of this section.
(4) Physical education, one-half unit;
(5) Science, three units with inquiry-based laboratory experience that engages students in asking valid scientific questions and gathering and analyzing information, which shall include the following, or their equivalent:
(a) Physical sciences, one unit;
(b) Life sciences, one unit;
(c) Advanced study in one or more of the following sciences, one unit:
(i) Chemistry, physics, or other physical science;
(ii) Advanced biology or other life science;
(iii) Astronomy, physical geology, or other earth or space science;
(iv) Computer science.
No student shall substitute a computer science course for a life sciences or biology course under division (C)(5) of this section.
(6) History and government, one unit each, which shall comply with division (M) of this section and shall include both of the following:
(a) American History, one unit;
(b) American Government, one unit.
(7) Modern World History, one unit Beginning with students who enter ninth grade for the first time on or after July 1, 2017, the two units of instruction prescribed by division (C)(7) of this section shall include at least one-half unit of instruction in the study of world history and civilizations.
(8) Five units consisting of one or any combination of foreign language, fine arts, business, career-technical education, family and consumer sciences, technology which may include computer science, agricultural education, a junior reserve officer training corps (JROTC) program approved by the congress of the United States under title 10 of the United States Code, or English language arts, mathematics, science, or social studies courses not otherwise required under division (C) of this section.
One-half unit of instruction under division (C)(8) of this section may be instruction in financial literacy to satisfy the requirement under division (C)(9) of this section.
(9)(a) Except as provided in division (C)(9)(b) of this section, for students who enter ninth grade for the first time on or after July 1, 2022, financial literacy, one-half unit. Each student shall elect to complete the one-half unit of instruction in financial literacy either in lieu of one-half unit of instruction in mathematics under division (C)(3) of this section or an elective under division (C)(8) of this section.
(b) A student attending a nonpublic school accredited through the independent schools association of the central states or any other chartered nonpublic school shall not be required to complete the one-half unit of financial literacy instruction prescribed in division (C)(9)(a) of this section, unless that student is attending the school under a state scholarship program as defined in section 3301.0711 of the Revised Code.
The study and instruction of financial literacy required under division (C)(9) of this section shall align with the academic content standards for financial literacy and entrepreneurship adopted under division (A)(2) of section 3301.079 of the Revised Code. In developing the curriculum for the study and instruction of financial literacy, schools may use available public-private partnerships and resources and materials that exist in business, industry, and through the centers for economics education at institutions of higher education.
Ohioans must be prepared to apply increased knowledge and skills in the workplace and to adapt their knowledge and skills quickly to meet the rapidly changing conditions of the twenty-first century. National studies indicate that all high school graduates need the same academic foundation, regardless of the opportunities they pursue after graduation. The goal of Ohio's system of elementary and secondary education is to prepare all students for and seamlessly connect all students to success in life beyond high school graduation, regardless of whether the next step is entering the workforce, beginning an apprenticeship, engaging in post-secondary training, serving in the military, or pursuing a college degree.
The requirements for graduation prescribed in division (C) of this section are the standard expectation for all students entering ninth grade for the first time at a public or chartered nonpublic high school on or after July 1, 2010. A student may satisfy this expectation through a variety of methods, including, but not limited to, integrated, applied, career-technical, and traditional coursework.
Stronger coordination between high schools and institutions of higher education is necessary to prepare students for more challenging academic endeavors and to lessen the need for academic remediation in college, thereby reducing the costs of higher education for Ohio's students, families, and the state. The state board and the chancellor of higher education shall develop policies to ensure that only in rare instances will students who complete the requirements for graduation prescribed in division (C) of this section require academic remediation after high school.
School districts, community schools, and chartered nonpublic schools shall integrate technology into learning experiences across the curriculum in order to maximize efficiency, enhance learning, and prepare students for success in the technology-driven twenty-first century. Districts and schools shall use distance and web-based course delivery as a method of providing or augmenting all instruction required under this division, including laboratory experience in science. Districts and schools shall utilize technology access and electronic learning opportunities provided by the broadcast educational media commission, chancellor, the Ohio learning network, education technology centers, public television stations, and other public and private providers.
(D) Except as provided in division (E) of this section, a student who enters ninth grade on or after July 1, 2010, and before July 1, 2016, may qualify for graduation from a public or chartered nonpublic high school even though the student has not completed the requirements for graduation prescribed in division (C) of this section if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
(1) During the student's third year of attending high school, as determined by the school, the student and the student's parent, guardian, or custodian sign and file with the school a written statement asserting the parent's, guardian's, or custodian's consent to the student's graduating without completing the requirements for graduation prescribed in division (C) of this section and acknowledging that one consequence of not completing those requirements is ineligibility to enroll in most state universities in Ohio without further coursework.
(2) The student and parent, guardian, or custodian fulfill any procedural requirements the school stipulates to ensure the student's and parent's, guardian's, or custodian's informed consent and to facilitate orderly filing of statements under division (D)(1) of this section. Annually, each district or school shall notify the department of the number of students who choose to qualify for graduation under division (D) of this section and the number of students who complete the student's success plan and graduate from high school.
(3) The student and the student's parent, guardian, or custodian and a representative of the student's high school jointly develop a student success plan for the student in the manner described in division (C)(1) of section 3313.6020 of the Revised Code that specifies the student matriculating to a two-year degree program, acquiring a business and industry-recognized credential, or entering an apprenticeship.
(4) The student's high school provides counseling and support for the student related to the plan developed under division (D)(3) of this section during the remainder of the student's high school experience.
(5)(a) Except as provided in division (D)(5)(b) of this section, the student successfully completes, at a minimum, the curriculum prescribed in division (B) of this section.
(b) Beginning with students who enter ninth grade for the first time on or after July 1, 2014, a student shall be required to complete successfully, at the minimum, the curriculum prescribed in division (B) of this section, except as follows:
(i) Mathematics, four units, one unit which shall be one of the following:
(I) Probability and statistics;
(II) Computer science;
(III) Applied mathematics or quantitative reasoning;
(IV) Any other course approved by the department using standards established by the superintendent not later than October 1, 2014.
(ii) Elective units, five units;
(iii) Science, three units as prescribed by division (B) of this section which shall include inquiry-based laboratory experience that engages students in asking valid scientific questions and gathering and analyzing information.
(E) Each school district and chartered nonpublic school retains the authority to require an even more challenging minimum curriculum for high school graduation than specified in division (B) or (C) of this section. A school district board of education, through the adoption of a resolution, or the governing authority of a chartered nonpublic school may stipulate any of the following:
(1) A minimum high school curriculum that requires more than twenty units of academic credit to graduate;
(2) An exception to the district's or school's minimum high school curriculum that is comparable to the exception provided in division (D) of this section but with additional requirements, which may include a requirement that the student successfully complete more than the minimum curriculum prescribed in division (B) of this section;
(3) That no exception comparable to that provided in division (D) of this section is available. If a school district or chartered nonpublic school requires a foreign language as an additional graduation requirement under division (E) of this section, a student may apply one unit of instruction in computer coding to satisfy one unit of foreign language. If a student applies more than one computer coding course to satisfy the foreign language requirement, the courses shall be sequential and progressively more difficult.
(F) A student enrolled in a dropout prevention and recovery program, which program has received a waiver from the department, may qualify for graduation from high school by successfully completing a competency-based instructional program administered by the dropout prevention and recovery program in lieu of completing the requirements for graduation prescribed in division (C) of this section. The department shall grant a waiver to a dropout prevention and recovery program, within sixty days after the program applies for the waiver, if the program meets all of the following conditions:
(1) The program serves only students not younger than sixteen years of age and not older than twenty-one years of age.
(2) The program enrolls students who, at the time of their initial enrollment, either, or both, are at least one grade level behind their cohort age groups or experience crises that significantly interfere with their academic progress such that they are prevented from continuing their traditional programs.
(3) The program requires students to attain at least the applicable score designated for each of the assessments prescribed under division (B)(1) of section 3301.0710 of the Revised Code or, to the extent prescribed by rule of the state board under division (D)(5) of section 3301.0712 of the Revised Code, division (B)(2) of that section.
(4) The program develops a student success plan for the student in the manner described in division (C)(1) of section 3313.6020 of the Revised Code that specifies the student's matriculating to a two-year degree program, acquiring a business and industry-recognized credential, or entering an apprenticeship.
(5) The program provides counseling and support for the student related to the plan developed under division (F)(4) of this section during the remainder of the student's high school experience.
(6) The program requires the student and the student's parent, guardian, or custodian to sign and file, in accordance with procedural requirements stipulated by the program, a written statement asserting the parent's, guardian's, or custodian's consent to the student's graduating without completing the requirements for graduation prescribed in division (C) of this section and acknowledging that one consequence of not completing those requirements is ineligibility to enroll in most state universities in Ohio without further coursework.
(7) Prior to receiving the waiver, the program has submitted to the department an instructional plan that demonstrates how the academic content standards adopted by the state board under section 3301.079 of the Revised Code will be taught and assessed.
(8) Prior to receiving the waiver, the program has submitted to the department a policy on career advising that satisfies the requirements of section 3313.6020 of the Revised Code, with an emphasis on how every student will receive career advising.
(9) Prior to receiving the waiver, the program has submitted to the department a written agreement outlining the future cooperation between the program and any combination of local job training, postsecondary education, nonprofit, and health and social service organizations to provide services for students in the program and their families.
Divisions (F)(8) and (9) of this section apply only to waivers granted on or after July 1, 2015.
If the department does not act either to grant the waiver or to reject the program application for the waiver within sixty days as required under this section, the waiver shall be considered to be granted.
(G) Every high school may permit students below the ninth grade to take advanced work. If a high school so permits, it shall award high school credit for successful completion of the advanced work and shall count such advanced work toward the graduation requirements of division (B) or (C) of this section if the advanced work was both:
(1) Taught by a person who possesses a license or certificate issued under section 3301.071, 3319.22, or 3319.222 of the Revised Code that is valid for teaching high school;
(2) Designated by the board of education of the city, local, or exempted village school district, the board of the cooperative education school district, or the governing authority of the chartered nonpublic school as meeting the high school curriculum requirements.
Each high school shall record on the student's high school transcript all high school credit awarded under division (G) of this section. In addition, if the student completed a seventh- or eighth-grade fine arts course described in division (K) of this section and the course qualified for high school credit under that division, the high school shall record that course on the student's high school transcript.
(H) The department shall make its individual academic career plan available through its Ohio career information system web site for districts and schools to use as a tool for communicating with and providing guidance to students and families in selecting high school courses.
(I) A school district or chartered nonpublic school may integrate academic content in a subject area for which the state board has adopted standards under section 3301.079 of the Revised Code into a course in a different subject area, including a career-technical education course, in accordance with guidance for integrated coursework developed by the department. Upon successful completion of an integrated course, a student may receive credit for both subject areas that were integrated into the course. Units earned for subject area content delivered through integrated academic and career-technical instruction are eligible to meet the graduation requirements of division (B) or (C) of this section.
For purposes of meeting graduation requirements, if an end-of-course examination has been prescribed under section 3301.0712 of the Revised Code for the subject area delivered through integrated instruction, the school district or school may administer the related subject area examinations upon the student's completion of the integrated course.
Nothing in division (I) of this section shall be construed to excuse any school district, chartered nonpublic school, or student from any requirement in the Revised Code related to curriculum, assessments, or the awarding of a high school diploma. (J)(1) The state board, in consultation with the chancellor, shall adopt a statewide plan implementing methods for students to earn units of high school credit based on a demonstration of subject area competency, instead of or in combination with completing hours of classroom instruction. The state board shall adopt the plan not later than March 31, 2009, and commence phasing in the plan during the 2009-2010 school year.
The plan shall include a standard method for recording demonstrated proficiency on high school transcripts. Each school district and community school shall comply with the state board's plan adopted under this division and award units of high school credit in accordance with the plan. The state board may adopt existing methods for earning high school credit based on a demonstration of subject area competency as necessary prior to the 2009-2010 school year.
(2) Not later than December 31, 2015, the state board shall update the statewide plan adopted pursuant to division (J)(1) of this section to also include methods for students enrolled in seventh and eighth grade to meet curriculum requirements based on a demonstration of subject area competency, instead of or in combination with completing hours of classroom instruction. Beginning with the 2017-2018 school year, each school district and community school also shall comply with the updated plan adopted pursuant to this division and permit students enrolled in seventh and eighth grade to meet curriculum requirements based on subject area competency in accordance with the plan.
(3) Not later than December 31, 2017, the department shall develop a framework for school districts and community schools to use in granting units of high school credit to students who demonstrate subject area competency through work-based learning experiences, internships, or cooperative education.
Beginning with the 2018-2019 school year, each district and community school shall comply with the framework. Each district and community school also shall review any policy it has adopted regarding the demonstration of subject area competency to identify ways to incorporate work-based learning experiences, internships, and cooperative education into the policy in order to increase student engagement and opportunities to earn units of high school credit. (K) This division does not apply to students who qualify for graduation from high school under division (D) or (F) of this section, or to students pursuing a career-technical instructional track as determined by the school district board of education or the chartered nonpublic school's governing authority. Nevertheless, the general assembly encourages such students to consider enrolling in a fine arts course as an elective. Beginning with students who enter ninth grade for the first time on or after July 1, 2010, each student enrolled in a public or chartered nonpublic high school shall complete two semesters or the equivalent of fine arts to graduate from high school. The coursework may be completed in any of grades seven to twelve. Each student who completes a fine arts course in grade seven or eight may elect to count that course toward the five units of electives required for graduation under division (C)(8) of this section, if the course satisfied the requirements of division (G) of this section. In that case, the high school shall award the student high school credit for the course and count the course toward the five units required under division (C)(8) of this section. If the course in grade seven or eight did not satisfy the requirements of division (G) of this section, the high school shall not award the student high school credit for the course but shall count the course toward the two semesters or the equivalent of fine arts required by this division.
(L) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this section, the board of education of each school district and the governing authority of each chartered nonpublic school may adopt a policy to excuse from the high school physical education requirement each student who, during high school, has participated in interscholastic athletics, marching band, show choir, or cheerleading for at least two full seasons or in the junior reserve officer training corps for at least two full school years. If the board or authority adopts such a policy, the board or authority shall not require the student to complete any physical education course as a condition to graduate. However, the student shall be required to complete one-half unit, consisting of at least sixty hours of instruction, in another course of study. In the case of a student who has participated in the junior reserve officer training corps for at least two full school years, credit received for that participation may be used to satisfy the requirement to complete one-half unit in another course of study. (M) It is important that high school students learn and understand United States history and the governments of both the United States and the state of Ohio. Therefore, beginning with students who enter ninth grade for the first time on or after July 1, 2012, the study of American history and American government required by divisions (B)(6) and (C)(6) of this section shall include the study of all of the following documents:
(1) The Declaration of Independence;
(2) The Northwest Ordinance;
(3) The Constitution of the United States with emphasis on the Bill of Rights;
(4) The Ohio Constitution.
The study of each of the documents prescribed in divisions (M)(1) to (4) of this section shall include study of that document in its original context.
The study of American history and government required by divisions (B)(6) and (C)(6) of this section shall include the historical evidence of the role of documents such as the Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist Papers to firmly establish the historical background leading to the establishment of the provisions of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
(N) A student may apply one unit of instruction in computer science to satisfy one unit of mathematics or one unit of science under division (C) of this section as the student chooses, regardless of the field of certification of the teacher who teaches the course, so long as that teacher meets the licensure requirements prescribed by section 3319.236 of the Revised Code and, prior to teaching the course, completes a professional development program determined to be appropriate by the district board.
If a student applies more than one computer science course to satisfy curriculum requirements under that division, the courses shall be sequential and progressively more difficult or cover different subject areas within computer science.
Our grading system utilizes a percentage scale with alphabetical equivalence with the following description:
90% - 100% A A superior student who consistently shows subject mastery works beyond the assignments. 80% - 89% B A good student who is above average in performance and attitude. 70% - 79% C An average student who regularly completes the minimum requirements. 60% - 69% D A student who frequently has difficulty completing assignments. 0% - 59% F This mark indicates the student has failed to meet minimum standards and will not receive credit for the course. P Pass Credit given with no letter grade or percent attached. I Incomplete Two (2) weeks after report cards have been issued; an incomplete grade will become an F grade but to the student not meeting the minimum course standards. Exceptions may be taken under consideration with the teacher and principal approval. Nine weeks grades Determined by averaging a minimum of nine (9) grades. Attendance and class participation are integral parts of student's grades. Students failing the 3rd and 4th nine (9) weeks grading periods may or may not be granted credit at the discretion of the teacher and principal. Classes are broken into 2 SEMESTER GRADES (½ credit each) and are determined by averaging two nine weeks grades. Example: 98% + 76% divided by 2 = 87% or a B. The 2 SEMESTER GRADES ½ + ½ = 1 CREDIT
FINAL YEARLY GRADES are determined by averaging 1st, 2nd & 3rd, 4th nine weeks percentages.
Students failing the 3rd and/or 4th nine- week grading period may or may not be granted credit at the discretion of the teacher and principal. Students failing the second grading period of a semester long course may or may not be granted credit at the discretion of the teacher and the principal.
NOTE: Special grade determination can be arranged jointly by teacher and principal.
An all A-Honor Roll and an A-B Honor Roll are named for each nine-week grading period. All grades are used in determining the honor roll.
The graduation point average and class rank for senior student records will be calculated following the seventh semester. The top ten will be based on the top 10 student ranking. When students are tied with the same GPA, the next rank will be based on ten. For example: If there are 4 students tied for valedictorian, the next rank for salutatorian will be 5th. Final grade point and class rank recorded in final transcripts will be based on end of the year grades. There is no guarantee rank and GPA will not change based on the final semester grades. The Valedictorian and Salutatorian averages as well as the top ten will be determined at the issuance of the 7th semester grades. To be eligible for Valedictorian, Salutatorian and top ten ranking, students must be performing at grade level in all academic and elective course work.
In order to qualify for an academic award as a graduating senior attending Southern Local Junior-Senior High School, that student must have completed as minimum, the last three full academic semesters at the said school. The types of awards affected are valedictorian, salutatorian, and the top ten graduates. Students should check with the administration / guidance department to receive a complete listing of areas influenced through late enrollment. The grade point average is equal to the total number of points earned for the year divided by the total number of credits attempted. Points earned for a semester are halved and divided by the credit attempted. Points are obtained by the total points given for each letter grade or percentage received in all subjects.
A = 4 points | B = 3 points | C = 2 points | D = 1 points | F = 0 points |
All full credit subjects carried for one semester for one-half credit are completed on the same basis as regular yearly subjects. For example:
English | 94% | 4 | 1 |
Algebra | 81% | 3 | 1 |
American History | 89% | 3 | 1 |
Biology | 74% | 2 | 1 |
Law | 80% | 3 | 1 |
15 | 5 |
The student earned a total of 15 points which is divided by 5 credits; this results in a 3.00 average. Class rank is the numerical ordering, high to low, of the grade point averages of all students in a grade.
High School Academic Diploma with Honors for
Graduating Classes of 2012 and Beyond
Students need to fulfill only 7 of the following 8 criteria
Subject | Criteria | ||
English | 4 units | ||
Mathematics | 4 units, including Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II or equivalent and another higher level course or a four-year sequence of courses that contain equivalent content | ||
Science | 4 units, including physics and chemistry | ||
Social Studies | 4 units | ||
Foreign Language | 3 units (must include no less than 2 units for which credit is sought) i.e., 3 units of one language or 2 units each of two languages | ||
Fine Arts | 1 unit | ||
Career-Technical | Not counted toward requirements | ||
Grade Point Average | 3.5 on a 4.0 scale | ||
ACT/SAT Score (excluding scores from the writing sections)* | 27 Act / 1210 SAT
| ||
Additional Assessment | None |
*Writing sections of either standardized test should not be included in the calculation of this score.
Diploma with Honors requirements pre-suppose completion of all high school diploma requirements in Ohio Revised Code including:
1/2 unit physical education**
1/2 unit health
1/2 unit in American history
1/2 unit in government
**SB311 allows school districts to adopt a policy exempting students who participate in athletics, marching band or cheerleading for two full seasons from the physical education requirement.
All school student activities must be approved by the principal and chaperoned by faculty members or board approved advisor. Activity application forms may be secured in the office, and are to be completed by faculty advisors before the activity can be placed on the school calendar.
Assemblies and pep rallies will be held in the gymnasium as scheduled. Students are to enter quietly and be seated in their assigned area as quickly as possible. During the program each student is expected to give courteous attention and to remain in his place until dismissed. Traditionally, underclassmen stand and applaud to honor the seniors as they enter assembly programs.
Students are strongly encouraged to only visit their lockers four times a day: before school, before lunch, after lunch, and after school. Assigned lockers remain school property and are subject to inspection by school personnel. Each student is responsible for his or her own assigned locker. No permanent decorations are to be placed on the outside of the lockers unless approved by the principal. Students are to use the assigned locker and cannot change lockers or share lockers unless approved by the principal. Locks are provided for protection of belongings. The school is not responsible for any items placed in or stolen from lockers, nor will time be spent investigating theft of items taken from an unlocked or shared locker. Replacement locks for lost, stolen, or damaged locks will be $9.00.
Students involved in damage to school property will be held responsible for the cost of the property and/or labor necessary to repair the damage. Students are responsible for all textbooks and equipment that are issued to them. If they are lost, stolen, or damaged, it is the responsibility of the student to whom they are issued to make restitution.
Quick, quiet, and orderly are of the utmost importance to assure safety in the case of an emergency. Check the instructions posted in each room as to fire and tornado procedures.
The following must be observed:
1. Always regard the fire alarm or announced tornado drills denoting danger; it may not always mean practice.
2. Walk rapidly to the designated area of safety - DON’T RUN!!
3. Refrain from talking during the drill.
4. When a P.A. announcement is made as to an Emergency Evacuation situation, students are to be attentive to the instructions given.
A. Students are to report quickly and quietly to their assigned area and remain with your teacher until the “all clear” is given to re-enter the building.
B. Cells usage is prohibited during emergency drills.
Lost articles are to be reported to the principal’s secretary. All found articles are to be taken to the principal’s office where the owners may make claim.
Students may purchase “school time” or “24 hour” accident insurance through the main office. This program is at the parent and students’ option.
All fund raising activities are to be arranged and supervised by the faculty advisor(s). A Commercial Enterprise form must be submitted to the principal and superintendent for approval of fund raising activities. No items are to be sold in the building unless approved by the Administration.
It is the student’s responsibility to check for the correct number and required credits on your schedule each year toward meeting graduation requirements.
After class schedule requests have been submitted, there will be no schedule changes. The only exceptions to this rule will be:
1. Schedule conflicts. (School could not schedule your request)
2. Credit deficiencies. (Due to failures or not scheduled for at least the minimum number of credits)
3. Scheduled class does not meet the student academic abilities. (Change will only be made after a conference with the teacher, Parent, and school official)
After the completion of the first nine-week grading period a WDP will be granted only with the teacher and principal’s permission. Otherwise, there will be no dropping of classes after the first nine-week grading period. COURSES REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION MAY NOT BE DROPPED.
To be selected for membership, students:
1. Must be a member of the junior or senior class and been enrolled at Southern at least one semester.
2. Must have a grade point average of at least a 3.3. At the end of the 5th semester of high school.
3. Must be selected by a vote of the faculty council.
4. Shall be evaluated by the faculty council on the basis of service, leadership, and character.
Guidelines for service, leadership, and character and other N.H. S. procedures are available from the National Honor Society Advisor, the high school principal or the superintendent upon request along with other N.H.S. procedures.
The Board of Education believes in the importance of trying to decrease the number of missing children. Therefore, efforts will be made to identify possible missing children and notify the proper adults or agencies.
A pupil, at the time of his initial entry to school, shall present to the principal or designee a copy of his/her original certificate of birth and any information provided by the school that he/she most recently attended. The principal or designee must initiate contact with the sending school within 24 hours, requesting the student’s official records. Records must be received within 14 calendar days of the student’s admission to school. If the sending school, upon contact, indicates no record of the student or after the 14 days writing period, no records are received, the principal or designee of the school shall notify the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction in the area where the pupil may be a missing child.
The primary responsibility for supervision of a student rests with his/her parent(s) or guardian(s). The school district staff will provide the assistance it can to parents and guardians with the responsibility.
The principal or designee is also required to notify a student’s parents, custodial parent, guardian, legal custodian or other person responsible for him/her when the student is absent from school. The parent or other responsible person shall be notified by written notice mailed on the same day that the student is absent or notified by a telephone call that day. Parents or other responsible persons shall provide the school with their current home and/or work telephone numbers and home address, as well as emergency telephone numbers.
In addition, each principal is required to request that any person authorized to take school pictures provide a free wallet size photo to the school for inclusion in student files for identification purposes.
The key to our dress code is that we all accept certain standards for ourselves, our school, and our community at large. The administration and staff feel that there is a definite correlation between student dress and student conduct.
In general, school dress should be such that it ensures the health, welfare, and safety of the members of the student body and enhances a positive image of our students and school.
The administration is aware that many areas of dress may not be in the dress code but all students are expected to follow what are acceptable, modest, standards of dress and grooming. The Principal has the final jurisdiction in interpreting and enforcing this policy
● There shall be no clothing or jewelry advertising alcoholic beverages tobacco drugs or displaying obscene suggestive or provocative writing, weapons or dangerous pictures or symbols on any article of dress.
● Sunglasses shall not be worn on the students face indoors unless prescribed by a doctor.
● Shorts and skirt lengths must be no shorter than fingertip length or considered extreme.
● No holes permitted in clothing that show undergarments may be considered extreme or obscene. Undergarments are not to be seen including boxers and bra straps. (undergarment constitutes anything worn under clothing)
● During school hours all shirts must have shoulders and sleeves. Attire that displays extreme cleavage and/or see-through garments will not be allowed. No sleeveless shirts or cut off shirts are permissible (no armpit or torso can we be visible while arms are held out)
● Hats and or hoods are not to be worn inside the building.
● Visible tattoos must not be inappropriate or suggestive in nature. Any tattoo deemed inappropriate or suggestive must be covered during school hours.
Students will be given the opportunity to change into appropriate clothing of their own or clothes available in the office. The administration will have final jurisdiction and interpreting and enforcing this policy. Repeat offenders will be subject to disciplinary procedures.
All students who wish to drive automobiles to and from school, unless accompanied by their parents, must secure a permit from the high school principal and register their respective license numbers.
The cost of parking permits is $10.
In order to prevent any misunderstanding between parents and the school, these permits are to be requested by the parents and the following rules will be in effect.
1. The parent will sign the request for the student driving to school.
2. All students driving must have a valid driver’s license.
3. Speed limits of 5 miles per hour will be enforced on the school grounds.
4. Any reckless or dangerous driving on the school grounds will result in the school driver’s permit being revoked.
5. All cars must follow state laws. All vehicles will be subject to the State Highway Patrol safety check.
6. Students who drive to school will not be permitted to leave the school grounds between the time of arrival and afternoon dismissal without a permit from the office.
7. A reasonable request from the parents will be sufficient to secure a permit to leave the grounds.
8. Permits to drive may be revoked either temporarily or permanently because of violation of any of these regulations or upon evidence of any careless or reckless driving, excessive tardies to school or for school discipline problems.
9. In order to insure safety for all, students will be expected to exercise special care while driving on the school grounds.
10. Parent permission forms must be completed and returned to the school office for students wanting to ride to school in autos operated by other students.
11. Students vehicles are subject to occasional searches by law enforcement officers.
12. Students who are suspended may lose their driving privileges to school for nine (9) weeks. Students who are unexcused tardy to school will lose their driving privileges as stated within the attendance policy (see Tardy to school).
The parking of student operated vehicles is restricted to the parking lot that is designated for student parking. Students will be assigned a numbered parking spot and will be required to park in their spot daily. Vehicles are to be locked upon arrival and students are to enter the building immediately upon arrival at school. Student vehicles are to leave the parking lot in an orderly manner at dismissal time. The school busses will be held until 2:26 PM to permit student vehicles to leave first. Once school busses begin departing, students must wait until all busses have cleared the parking lot before leaving.
A valid school parking permit must be displayed on the back of the vehicle rear view mirror. These permits must be purchased in the main office each school year for a cost of $5. Student parking on school property is a privilege which may be denied for attendance, discipline, or unsafe driving problems. Students are not permitted to park in staff parking areas.
Each student is to bring sufficient work to flex to keep busy. If a student does not have an assignment the monitor shall make an assignment to be given to the subject teacher. Students are not to sleep or rest their head on the desk. It is not a social time, so students are to be prepared to work, no talking.
Students will not be issued passes by the monitor to see the guidance counselor, see another teacher, go to the office, etc. Passes should be secured in advance by the student from the person the student needs to see.
Violating Independent Study rules will result in a written referral to the office.
The following are strictly prohibited unless part of classroom curriculum under teacher supervision.
No downloading exe. Files, programs that are not owned by the District, or programs that may change the District’s network.
No chat rooms
No SnapChat or other personal sites
No posting to bulletin boards, wikis, blogs, personal websites, Podcasting, weblogging, or blogging unless the site is Board
No viewing sites with profanity, nudity, pornography, or suggestive behavior
No personal Email accounts of any kind (i.e. Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL, etc.)
The Southern Local School District is providing access to its technology, the Internet, email, and distance learning for only educational purposes.
The Southern Local School District make no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, for the service being provided and will not be responsible for any damages suffered, including loss of data, non-deliveries, miss deliveries or service interruptions caused by negligence, errors, or omissions. The Southern Local School District specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through the Internet; use of any such information is at the users’ risk.
Presented to Board of Education in relationship to Board Policy on 5/15/2007 (7540.03 - Property).
Fines: When school property, equipment, or supplies are damaged, lost or taken by individuals, a fine will be assessed. The fine will be reasonable, seeking only to compensate the school for the expense loss incurred.
A. Immunization against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, poliomyelitis, MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella, hepatitis B series and others legally designated in accordance with State statutes unless specifically exempt for medical or other reasons, is required for each child attending the public schools unless the parent files an objection.
When registered for admission as a new student, the parent must provide satisfactory evidence that the child has received or is in the process of receiving the required immunization. Students who are not up to date on required immunizations will not be permitted to attend school until there is documentation that all required immunizations are up to date. These absences will be counted as unexcused absences and may require referral to Family Services and or juvenile court for truancy.
C. The Board of Education may require students of the District to submit to periodic examinations to:
1. Protect the school and community from the spread of communicable disease
2. Verify that each student’s participation in health, safety, physical education courses meets their individual needs.
The District may provide or request parents to provide:
1. General physical examinations for athletics
2. Tests for communicable disease
3. Vision and/or audiometric screening
4. Scoliosis tests
Unless the physical examination or screening is permitted or required by an applicable State law, parents may refuse to allow the board to administer a non-emergency, invasive physical examination or screening upon written notification to the Board within ten (10) days after receipt of the Board’s annual public notice.
Board policy- STUDENTS 5310/page 1 of 1
Student Health Services
- Emergency Medical Forms
- Accidents
- Calling Home Because of Illness
- Administration of Prescription Drugs
Student safety is a responsibility for everyone. Staff members are familiar with emergency procedures such as fire and tornado drills and accident reporting procedures. Should a student be aware of a dangerous situation or accident s/he must notify any staff member immediately. State law requires that all students must have an emergency medical form completed, signed by a parent and filed in the school office.
A student may be excluded from school until this requirement Students with specific health care need to submit those needs, in writing and with the proper documentation by a physician to the school office.
In the case of an accident, report the accident immediately to the teacher or coach if the injury occurred in the classroom or athletic program. If medical attention is required, parents will be notified as soon as possible. Staff members are to fill out an accident report the day an accident occurs. The school cannot assume any liabilities for injuries.
Students who become ill during the school day should ask their teacher for a pass to the office. If you are ill do not report to the office between classes, but report to your next class and obtain a pass to the office. Students must check in with the secretary upon entering the office. If you fail to follow this procedure, it can result in your being marked truant from your class. If it is necessary for you to go home, the secretary/nurse will contact your parents and make arrangements for your dismissal. No student is permitted to leave school grounds or go home without obtaining an early dismissal through the office. STUDENTS ARE NOT TO USE CALL PHONES TO CALL/TEXTHOME FOR THIS PURPOSE. IF IT IS DETERMINED THAT A STUDENT DID SO, THE STUDENT WILL BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTION.
Eighteen year old students will adhere to the same rules and procedures as those students under 18 years of age. Students will NOT be permitted to sign out without the permission from the parent.
The Southern Local Board of Education assumes that the primary responsibility for the administration of prescription drugs and other medication to their children is with the parents. The times for administering such medication should be arranged whenever possible to avoid school hours. However, when it does become necessary to administer drugs prescribed by a physician to students enrolled in the schools of the Southern Local School District during regular school hours the procedures contained in the policy shall be followed.
A. Persons hereinafter designated by the Board of Education shall be authorized when acting in situations other than those governed by ORC 2305.23, 2305.231, and 3313.711, to administer to a student a drug prescribed by a physician for the student in accordance with this policy. However, no employee of this Board of Education lacking the appropriate training shall use injection or any other procedures beyond simple distribution.
No forms of medication will be administered during the school day unless parents have followed specific guidelines adopted by the Southern Local Board of Education. Board policy regarding medication administration may be obtained by contacting the school nurse. Before medication can be administered, a signed form from the physician must be on file at the school. Whenever possible, students are encouraged to take all medication during hours other than when they are in school. At no time may a student keep any type of medication, prescribed or non-prescribed, in his/her possession during the school day or at school activities unless approved by administration. Medication will be stored and dispensed in the high school office or nurse’s office as necessary provided the proper Southern Local School Medication Form has been filed with the office.
All forms issued by the school must be returned by the announced deadlines or students will face disciplinary action. Forms such as Emergency Medical Cards or other safety related items must be returned on time or students may face removal from school or in-school disciplinary actions.
Child abuse and neglect must be recognized and reported. Children must be protected and the perpetrators of abuse and neglect helped. With the assistance of concerned citizens and alert professionals child abuse and neglect can be treated and future incidents prevented. Parents have the right to care for their children and children have the right to grow up to realize their potential. These rights must be protected.
Everyone should report suspicions of child abuse and neglect; however, the following professionals are required to report: “Any attorney, physician, including a hospital intern or resident, dentist, podiatrist, practitioner of a limited branch of medicine or surgery as defined in section 4731.15 or the Revised Code, registered or licensed practical nurse, visiting nurse, or other health care professional, licensed psychologist, speech pathologist or audiologist, coroner, administrator or employee of a child day-care center, or administrator or employee of a certified child care agency or other public or private children services agency, school teacher or school authority, social worker acting in his official or professional capacity having reason to believe that a child less than eighteen years of age or any crippled or otherwise physically or mentally handicapped child under twenty-one years of age has suffered any wound, injury, disability, or condition of such a nature as to reasonable indicate abuse or neglect of the child shall immediately report or cause reports to make of such information....” according to Ohio Revised Code, Section 2151.421.
Immediately report your suspicions to the children services or the county department of welfare exercising the children services function, or to a municipal or county peace officer.
“Anyone or any hospital, institution, school, health department or agency participating in the making of the reports, or anyone participating in a judicial proceeding resulting from the reports, shall be immune from any civil or criminal liability that might result of such action. ......The physician-patient privilege shall not be a ground for excluding evidence regarding a child’s injuries, abuse, or neglect...”
Whether receiving a report directly or through a peace officer, the county department of welfare or children services board shall investigate, within twenty-four hours, each report referred to it and determines the circumstance surrounding the injury or injuries, abuse, or neglect, the cause thereof, and the person or persons responsible. The child may remain in his home under the supervision of the county department of welfare or children services board, which will provide protective services to ensure the continued well being of the child and treat any social or environmental factors which may have precipitated the abuse or neglect of the child.
The child may be removed from his home on an emergency basis if “in the judgment of the reporting physician and the officer, immediate removal is considered essential to protect the child from further abuse or neglect.”
Temporary or permanent removal of a child from his home may be deemed necessary and the county department of welfare or children services board shall make such recommendations to county prosecutor or city attorney. However, the final legal decision rests with the juvenile court and according to Section 2151.281, “The court shall appoint a guardian ad litem to protect the interest of a child in any proceeding concerning an alleged abused or neglected child.”
It is sometimes necessary for school officials to close all or part of the school buildings for some emergency. When this happens, the following stations will broadcast the closing:
Television Stations: WTOV-9 Steubenville, WFMJ-21 Youngstown, WKBN-27 Youngstown, WKBN-27 Youngstown, WYTV-33 Youngstown.
Social Media: Posts will be made to the schools social media sites but the ALL-CALL and TV announcement will take precedence over any social media.
A Southern Local ALL-CALL will be made the day of any delays or cancellation. Parents are reminded to report changes in phone numbers promptly.
The rights of an individual are preserved only by the protection and preservation of the rights of others. A student is responsible for the way he exercises his rights, and he must accept the consequences of his actions and recognize the boundaries of his rights. Each exercise of an individual’s rights must demonstrate respect for the rights of others.
These statements set forth the rights of students in the public schools of the district and the responsibilities that are inseparable from these rights.
1. Civil rights- including the right to equal education opportunity and freedom from discrimination, the responsibility not to discriminate against others.
2. The right to attend free public school, the responsibility to attend school regularly and to observe school rules essential for permitting others to learn at school.
3. The right to due process of law with respect to suspension and expulsion.
4. The right to free inquiry and expression, the responsibility to observe reasonable rules regarding these rights.
5. The right to privacy, which includes privacy in respect to students’ school records.
To insure compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of the United States of America the following policy is adopted.
No pupil of the Southern Local School District shall, on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, be denied of, or be subjected to discrimination with regard to the programs, policies and operation of the school district.
1. Grievance Procedure - Students who feel they have been subject to discrimination on the basis of sex will discuss the matter with the principal. If the matter is not resolved the pupil may appeal to the local superintendent. If it is not resolved at this level, the pupil may appeal to the Board for a hearing. This committee will make final resolutions of the matter after investigation and a hearing.
2. Education Programs and Activities - No pupil shall be excluded from participation in any academic extracurricular, vocational or other educational program on the bases of sex except as follows:
A. Physical education students may be grouped by ability.
B. Participation in football, wrestling, and other sports involving body contact.
C. Courses dealing solely with human sexuality
D. Chorus is predominantly based on vocal range and quality.
3. Marital or Parental Status - Students who are married and/or parents shall not be treated differently. The local superintendent and/or principal may require certification as the martial status of a student.
4. Athletics - Athletic teams shall be formed on the basis of competitive skills with both sexes having the opportunity to try out.
5. Sexual Harassment - Harassment of a student(s) by other student or any member of the staff is a violation of Federal Law and is contrary to the Board of Education’s commitment to provide a physically and psychologically safe environment in which to learn.
In addition to sexual harassment, which includes unwelcome sexual advances or any form of improper physical contact or sexual remark, harassment shall also include any speech or action that creates a hostile, intimidating, or offensive learning environment.
The superintendent is to ensure that the Student Code of Conduct contains language prohibiting any form of sexual harassment and any use of racial or ethnic base. It should also provide a means for a student to report any incidence of harassing behavior from a fellow student, or staff member. It also protects the confidentiality of the student.
All such reports are to be investigated by the superintendent promptly. Anyone found to have violated this policy and/or the Code of Conduct shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the District.
Students attend the public schools under the direction of state law and with full benefits of constitutional protection for their rights as citizens. They, therefore, can act, speak or behave as young citizens within a large scope of options. Students have a right to reasonable treatment from the school and its employees; however, the school and its employees, in turn, have a right to expect reasonable behavior from students.
A student’s failure to comply with requirements for student conduct outlined in the handbooks may result in the student being placed under discipline. Placing a student under discipline will be defined as social probation and the student may lose all privileges. Participating in school social events or extra-curricular activities for a period of time determined by the principal may also be denied.
Violation by a student of any one or more of the following rules on school grounds or at school activities and events off school grounds may result in disciplinary action-including social probation, suspension, emergency removal from class or school, and/or expulsion. These rules are not meant to be all-inclusive; a building administrator may use other options if they are deemed more appropriate to infraction of the rules.
Searches of Student Property by School Personnel
A student’s personal property is his own. Students are, however, discouraged from bringing to school valuable items, which could be stolen, damaged, or prove disruptive to others. If valuable personal property is to be used in a school related project, the student should arrange with staff for its keeping.
The following rules apply to the search of school property assigned to a specific student (locker, desk, etc.) and the seizure of items in his possession.
1. The school official has reasonable grounds to believe that the search will turn up evidence that the student has violated the law or school rules.
2. Search of an area assigned to a student should be for a specifically identified item, and should be conducted in the student’s presence and with their knowledge.
3. Random inspection of school property may be conducted without notice.
4. Illegal items (drugs, weapons, etc.) or other possessions reasonably determined to be a threat to the safety and security of others may be seized by school authorities at any time.
The Board of Education recognized that exclusion from the educational program of the schools, whether by suspension or expulsion, is the most severe sanction that can be imposed on a student in this district and one that cannot be imposed without due process since exclusion deprives a child of the right to an education.
For purposes of this policy, “suspension” shall be the temporary exclusion by the school principal of a student from a regular school program and such suspension may take place within as well as outside the school facilities except that “suspension” shall not include removal of a student from curricular or extracurricular activity for a period of less than twenty-four (24) hours.
“Expulsion” shall be the exclusion of a student from the schools of this district for a period not to exceed eighty (80) school days.
A student may be suspended by the Superintendent or the building principal for a period of not more than ten (10) days, provided that the student has been given written notice of his/her suspension and the reasons therefore, and had been given an opportunity to appear at an informal hearing to answer the charges against him/her. Students who are suspended and/or expelled are encouraged to continue to complete work assigned by the teacher but WILL NOT receive credit for the work.
Note: If a student is suspended (3) times within a semester, an expulsion hearing shall be scheduled on the third suspension.
The superintendent may expel a student from school provided the student and his/her parent or guardian have been given written notice of the intention to expel, the reasons therefore, and an opportunity to appear with a representative before the Superintendent to answer the charges within three (3) to five (5) days after notice has been given, unless the Superintendent grants an extension of time.
When extraordinary circumstances involving the health and safety of the student or to others in the school require immediate exclusion of the student from a curricular or extracurricular activity, the hearing shall be held within seventy-two (72) hours.
Referral for expulsion will be at the building administrator’s discretion.
Authority to expel a student is reserved to the superintendent. Written notice of expulsion, with the reasons therefore, must be sent to the parent or guardian and to the treasurer of the board within twenty-four (24) hours. The treasurer is to notify the Board of Education of all expulsions.
The student (or parent or guardian) may request an expulsion hearing before the board. The hearing may be private, but the board must act publicly. The board may reinstate the student by a majority vote of its full membership. Request for expulsion appeal hearing before the Board of Education will only be granted when the following have occurred:
1. A meeting with the staff member initiating the disciplinary action, the parent, or adult student and the principal has been concluded.
2. A meeting with the principal, superintendent, adult student or parent has been concluded.
The Southern Local Junior - Senior High School staff subscribes to a plan of student conduct discipline code as described herein. All staff members use our discipline plan. Any student with chronic behavior infractions, or chronic unexcused absences (truant), may be restricted or denied from participation or attendance in any co-curricular or extracurricular events.
1. Each teacher will develop and post a list of rules for her/his classroom, study hall, or homeroom.
2. Failure of any student to follow classroom, study hall or homeroom rules may result in consequences posted in each room. Among these consequences are:
A. Detention/Lunch Detention
B. Parent Conference
C. Discipline Reassignment Area (Assigned by the Principal)
D. Out of school suspension (Assigned by the Principal)
E. Loss of privileges
3. Parents/guardians will be provided a syllabus for various classes in which the students are enrolled.
Students will follow all guidelines, rules, and requirements outlined in the student handbooks, including bulletin updates. Rules and regulations apply at all sponsored activities on and off school property (field trips, athletic contests, etc.).
Behavior problems which occur outside of class or study hall (i.e. lunch rooms, hallways, restroom, parking lot, and gymnasium, etc.) are building violations and will be assigned appropriate consequences.
Building Plans
1. Cafeteria
A. Students will not throw food or other objects. Students involved in any type of “food fight” will be charged with vandalism with the Sheriff’s department and will be held accountable for clean up of the area affected. Students may also be held financially accountable for any damage caused by the food fight.
B. Students will not fight and must keep hands, feet, and other objects to themselves.
C. Students will return trays, dispose of waste properly, and clean their table space before leaving.
D. Students are not to tamper with another person’s lunch.
E. Students will refrain from excessive noise.
F. Students will observe line-up procedures as assigned by the duty teacher.
G. Students will sit in assigned seats when behavior warrants as determined by their teacher.
2. Restrooms
A. Students will not congregate in the stalls. One at a time.
B. Students will not loiter in the restroom. Two max.
C. Students must have a pass from their assigned teacher to use the restroom during class time
D. Only one student at a time may be excused from a classroom or study hall to use the restroom.
3. Hallways and Lockers
A. Students will not run in the halls and must keep arms, legs, feet, and other objects to themselves.
B. Students will refrain from public displays of affections. (Hand holding, kissing, etc.)
C. Students are not permitted to bring book bags or gym bags to class. Book bags and gym bags must be kept in lockers. The only exception to this is gym class.
D. Students will refrain from excessive noise, vulgarity or profanity.
E. Students are not permitted in hallways during class time unless they have a pass from a teacher, and all students must sign out of class and then back into class. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain a pass from their teacher. Students must have a pass with them at all times.
F. All bookbags must be kept in the locker once school begins. They can be taken to Gym class
Students who violate building rules will have a referral slip sent to the office AND THE TEACHER WILL CALL HOME.
Offenses and Consequences
The following is a list (not meant to be inclusive) of unacceptable student behavior on school grounds, during school hours, or at school activities which may require detention, night school, suspension, expulsion, legal action or a combination thereof. The building administrators may use other options if they are deemed more appropriate to the infraction of the rules, or to address discipline problems not concerned by this discipline plan.
An infraction of the following rules shall result in immediate referral to the principal, a minimum 10-day suspension from school, referral for expulsion, and/or legal referral.
1. Chemical Abuse - Students shall not possess, use, transmit, sell, conceal or consume any alcoholic beverage or intoxicant or any of the drugs of abuse. This provision shall be applicable to any conduct on school grounds, during and immediately before or after school hours; on school grounds at any other time when the school is being used by a group; off school grounds at a school-sponsored activity, function or event; on a school bus or conveyance; or at any other time during the same calendar day when the student is or will be subject to the authority of the school. Moreover, the student shall not consume any alcoholic beverages or intoxicants or drugs of abuse at any time before the students arrival at school or at a school-sponsored or related activity or event. Examples of drugs of abuse include, but are not limited to, narcotic drugs, hallucinogenic drugs, generic drugs, amphetamines, steroids, barbiturates, marijuana, glue, cocaine, as well as look-a-likes, drugs in accordance with a medical prescription from a licensed physician shall not be considered in violation of this rule. However, all such drugs must be maintained in their original container. Students shall not possess, use, transmit, sell or conceal any drug-of-abuse instrument or paraphernalia (for example hypodermic needle, syringe.)
2. Possession of dangerous weapons.
A. The Board is committed to providing the students of the District with an educational environment, which is free of dangers of firearms, knives and other dangerous weapons in schools. The definition of a firearm shall include any weapon including a starter gun which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; the frame or a receiver of any such weapon; any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; or any destructive device (as defined by 17 U.S.C.A. Section 921-924), which includes but is not limited to any explosive, incendiary, poisonous gas, bomb, grenade, or rocket having a propellant charge of more than four ounces, missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than one-quarter ounce, mine or device similar to any of the devices described above.
Students are prohibited from bringing a firearm on school property, in a school vehicle or to any school-sponsored activity. If a student brings a firearm on school property, in a school vehicle or to any school-sponsored activity, the Superintendent shall expel this student from school for a period of one calendar year. Any such expulsion shall extend, as necessary, into the school year following the school year in which the incident occurred. The Superintendent may reduce this requirement on a case-by-case basis in accordance with State Law.
Students are also prohibited from bringing knives on school property, in a school vehicle or to any school-sponsored activity. The definition of a knife includes, but is not limited to a cutting instrument consisting of a sharp blade fastened to a handle. If a student brings a knife on school property, in a school vehicle or to any school-sponsored activity, the Superintendent may if authorized by the Board, expel the student from school, with the same expulsion implications as noted above.
The Board may extend the right to expel a student for reasons beyond the possession of a firearm or knife. Students who possess or use other dangerous weapons, which are defined by not limited to metal knuckles, straight razors, explosives, noxious irritation or poisonous gases, poisons, drugs or other items possessed with the intent to use, sell, harm, threaten or harass students, staff members, parents or community members, may be subject to expulsion.
3. Assault (ORC 2903.13)
A. No person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another or to another’s unborn.
B. No person shall recklessly cause serious physical harm to another or to another’s unborn.
C. Whoever violates this section is guilty of assault.
4. Terrorist Threats - A student shall not cause material disruption of the school day by behaviors, such as bomb threats, hit lists, setting off of false fire alarms, inducing public panic, etc.
5. Threats to school personnel and/or students - A student may not make what may be reasonably interpreted as a threat to do bodily harm to a school employee and/or students.
6. Vandalism in excess of $100.00.
An infraction of the following rules shall result in a possible out-of school suspension of 1-5 days and/or expulsion. (All violent acts accumulate in numerical order: Fighting, physical harassment, and sexual harassment.)
1. Fighting (It takes two to fight; therefore, both parties may be suspended unless one party assumes the responsibility for the fight and the second party does not fight back.)
If any staff personnel is injured during a fight, all parties involved in the fight shall be held accountable for staff’s injury.
2. Harassment
A. Physical (Bullying): unwanted intimidating actions such as pushing, throwing punches (swinging), kicking, etc. or spitting directed towards another student.
3. Sexual Harassment
Any unwelcome sexual advances or any form of improper physical contact or sexual remark.
4. Endangering the safety of staff and/or student:
A student shall not involve a student, staff member, visitor or employee of the Board in an incident that is detrimental to one safety.
5. Theft (Payment for replacement and Contact Authorities)
A student shall not cause or attempt to take into possession the property of the school district or the property of another student, teacher, school employee or visitor.
6. Use or possession of Tobacco Products and/or electronic cigarettes
1st Offense 2 days DRA and mandatory Vape Education course
2nd Offense 2-3 days DRA and complete online module
3rd Offense
3 days OSS/DRA and complete online module
An infraction of the following rules shall result in the assignment of detention, DRA, or out of school suspension.
1. Lighting Matches/Igniting Lighters
2. Verbal Harassment or Bullying: unwanted written or spoken comments, jokes, insults, or other disparaging remarks towards a student or staff member. Students may not make comments considered to be threatening to other students.
3. Insubordination: Unwilling to submit to authority. A student shall not disregard or refuse to obey reasonable directions given by school personnel.
4. Forgery/Lying
A student will not falsify the name of another person, or time, date, grades, addresses, or other data on school forms, or correspondence directed to the school.
5. Vandalism less than $ 100.00 (Payment for Damages)
A student shall not cause or attempt to cause damage to property of the school.
6. Use of Profanity and/or Obscene Language
A student shall not use any form of profanity, and or gestures, written or verbal.
7. Students directing obscene gestures, signs, pictures, or profanity towards a teacher or a faculty member may receive the following:
8. Leaving School Building without permission –
9. Skipping Class
10. Cell Phone
Cell phones will be permitted to be used at lunch and if they are part of the classroom curriculum under teacher supervision in high school. (6th & 7th are not allowed to use a cell during class) Unauthorized use of cell phones will result in the phone being confiscated and turned over to the administration. Cell phones will only be given back to a parent or guardian.
(Students refusing to hand over cell phones at the office is considered insubordination and will result in 3 days of DRA or OSS.)
Any infraction in this level of student handbook shall result in one or more of the following:
1. Detention
2. Class Suspension
3. DRA
4. School Suspension (no credit for classes)
LOITERING: Students are not permitted to loiter/hang-out in restrooms. Students are not permitted to loiter/hang-out in classrooms they are not assigned to before, during, or after school.
DRESS CODE VIOLATION: (removal of article when possible) Students may not violate student dress code policy.
LOOKOUT: Students may not serve as a lookout for person(s) violating rules.
TARDY TO CLASS: Students must arrive in their assigned area before the tardy bell rings.
PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION: Students will refrain from displays of affection such as kissing, holding hands, etc.
LEAVING CLASS WITHOUT PERMISSION: Students may not leave their assigned area without permission from the teacher.
IN HALLWAY WITHOUT A PASS: It is the student’s responsibility to obtain a pass from a teacher when leaving the assigned classroom.
ORDERLY SCHOOL PROCESS: Students may not engage in inappropriate actions that cause material disruptions or obstruction of the educational process including all curricular and extracurricular activities.
DISRESPECT TO STAFF: Students shall not engage in any act which degrades any members of the staff.
CHEATING: A student will not be involved in any form of cheating on school assignments. This pertains to using or permitting the use of another’s work. A student caught cheating will receive zero credit for the work involved in cheating.
LIGHTERS: Students shall not bring lighters or matches into the school building.
It is the policy of the Southern Local board of Education and School District that hazing activities of any typed are inconsistent with the educational process and shall be prohibited at all times. No administrator, faculty member or other employee of the school district shall encourage, permit, condone or tolerate any hazing activities. No student, including leaders of student organizations, shall plan encourage or engage in any hazing.
Any student found to be in possession or sale of counterfeit controlled substance (look-alike drug) will be found in violation of Student Conduct Code Level I-1.
A. Any drug that bears, or whose container or label bears a trademark, trade name or other identifying mark used without authorization or the owner or rights to such trademark, trade name or identifying mark.
B. Any unmarked or unlabeled substance that is represented to be a controlled substance manufactured, processed, packed, or distributed it.
C. Any substance other than a controlled substance that a reasonable person would believe to be a controlled substance because of its similarity in shape, size, and color, or its markings, labeling, packaging, or the price for which it is sold or offered for sale.
D. Any substance that is represented to be a controlled substance but is not a controlled substance or is a different controlled substance.
No student shall knowingly possess any counterfeit controlled substance or shall any student knowingly make, sell, offer to sell, give package, or deliver a counterfeit controlled substance.
No student shall directly or indirectly represent a counterfeit controlled substance as a controlled by describing, either with words or conduct its effects as being the same or similar to the physical or mental effects associated with use of a controlled substance.
No student shall directly or indirectly falsely represent a counterfeit controlled substance as a controlled substance.
Discipline Policy
We, at Southern Local, believe that safety should be the number one concern for all students who are entitled to bus transportation. Since the safety of all students on a school bus may be endangered by the actions of just one student, the following policy has been developed to help insure safe transportation for all students.
The rules and consequences stated in this policy will be referred to the school administration on a consistent basis by all bus drivers and substitute bus drivers at Southern Local. These procedures will also apply to all extra-curricular trips.
The success of any policy depends on the amount of cooperation and support between home and school and, in this case, those involved with the transportation of your children. We hope that we will receive that cooperation and support.
I. Procedures
A. Students shall be on time for the bus.
B. Written parent permissions authorized by the principal/secretary is required to ride a different bus or get off at a different stop. This request should be for the following reasons:
1) child setting;
2) guardianship i.e. to a non-residential parent; or
3) for emergencies.
C. Students shall cross a road only when instructed by the driver.
D. Students should look carefully, both ways, before crossing a road. Students should walk quickly; crossing ten feet (10’) in front of the bus and there should be no running.
E. Students will not be permitted to bring pets or other animals on the school bus.
F. All toys, equipment, radios, headsets, electronic devices, etc. are not to be brought on busses unless approval has been given to the bus driver in advance by the principal or teacher. Any of the approved items brought must be kept in a bag and on the lap of the student. Glass containers will not be permitted on the bus. Non-approved items will be kept on the bus until the end of the day when students may remove them. Bus drivers will not be responsible for any items left on the bus.
G. Students should be orderly and wait their turn to get on and off the bus.
H. Students should wait until the bus is stopped and the door is open before stepping near the bus.
II. Rules
A. Students will be respectful and obey the bus driver at all times.
B. Students may talk quietly. Loud, vulgar, or unacceptable language and whistling or excessive loud noise are prohibited. Students will be completely quiet as the bus approaches and crosses a railroad and at any other time the bus driver may deem it necessary.
C. Students will not eat or drink on the bus unless; authorization is given by the bus driver. When the bus is in motion drivers will give authorization for the use of medication.
D. Students will promptly be seated after entering the bus and remain seated with feet on the floor and facing front, keeping hand, feet, and other objects to themselves and not extending them out of the window.
E. Students will keep aisles and seats free from books and materials.
Throwing or spitting of objects is prohibited. Squirt guns, water containers, water pistols, etc. are prohibited and will be confiscated.
Violation Consequences for Procedures I and Rules II
A. 1st violation - Verbal warning from the bus driver.
B. 2nd violation -Verbal warning and phone call home, letter from the bus driver which must be signed by the parent and returned. Bus driver may assign seats.
C. 3rd violation - Written referral to principal may result in the denial of bus riding privileges.
D. 4th violation - Written referral to principal shall result in denial of bus riding privileges for a period of 1-5 days.
E. 5th violation - Written referral to principal shall result in the denial of bus riding privileges for 10 days with a recommendation for expulsion from the bus.
III. Serious Behavior Problems
All bus drivers will immediately provide a written report to the respective building principal of students who misbehave in a serious manner while riding, boarding, and disembarking from busses. A serious problem includes:
A. Behavior which is dangerous to the student or to another person (fighting, assault etc.).
B. Illegal behavior (civil or school) - use or possession of tobacco, possession of drugs or alcohol, vandalism, etc.
C. Disrespect of school personnel - abusive or profane language or gestures towards drivers or other staff.
D. Insubordination - refusal to obey reasonable request of staff members.
E. Other behavior which materially or substantially interrupts or interferes with the school bussing process.
Violation Consequences for Serious Problems III
A. The following will result in a minimum of five (5) days to a maximum of ten (10) days suspension of bus riding privileges plus possible school suspension, referral for expulsion, and legal referral, and/or monetary responsibility for damages.
1. Use or possession of tobacco
2. Fighting
3. Theft
4. Insubordination
5. Physical and/or verbal assault, harassment
6. Profanity
7. Vandalism
B. Major Offenses (boarding, riding, departing busses)
The following will result in a minimum of ten (10) days suspension of bus riding privileges plus possible school suspension, referral for expulsion, legal referral, and/or monetary responsibility for damages.
1. Sale, use, or possession of drugs or alcohol.
2. Possession or use of dangerous weapons.
NOTE: When bus transportation is denied, it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to provide transportation for the student to and from school. Students failing to attend school will be declared truant and referred to the attendance officer.
The student may be referred to the superintendent for an expulsion/ejection hearing from the bus if he/she has accumulated ten days of suspension of bus riding privileges. According to state law (ORC 3313.661 the principal may suspend or remove a student and the superintendent may expel a student from bus riding privileges, provided that notice and opportunity for a hearing are given.
If appealing a bus suspension, requests for hearing before the Board of Education will only be granted when the following have occurred:
1. A meeting with staff member initiating the disciplinary action and the building principal has been concluded.
2. A meeting with the building principal and the superintendent has been concluded.
(Board of Education Policy 5610, Suspension and Expulsion)
All procedures, rules, and consequences are taken from Administrative Code 3301-83-08, 3301-83-09, or 3301-83-20.
Adopted by Southern Local Board of Education - November 22, 1983 Amended - August 19, 1986, August 15, 1988
(The Administration realizes that all infractions cannot be accounted for in rules and regulations. Therefore the Administration reserves the right to act upon other problems that arise as they deem necessary).
Southern Local has installed cameras and video equipment to monitor student behavior on school grounds and selected school buses. The purpose of this equipment is to assist the school in providing a safe and secure environment for its students, staff, and general public. In order to be both proactive and preventive, the following are the guidelines for the implementation and use of the equipment for the maximum utilization of these devices.
General Guidelines
1. The monitoring devices are the property of and their use is the responsibility of the school.
2. Signs are posted in areas near cameras to make students and the general public aware of the use of these devices.
3. Students are under the jurisdiction of the school district rules and regulations, as found in the Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for students. These include specific building and bus rules and regulations found in the student’s handbook.
4. Individuals, other than students, are subject to federal, state, and local laws.
5. The school reserves the right to use tapes in disciplinary occurrences. School authorities may include tapes as part of the officers, police and court authorities, parents/guardians and/or students. When properly identified, these tapes may be stored in the school safe for future references.
6. Only necessary authorized staff will observe tapes and permission to view and tape by an outside authority will be granted only after a formal request is completed by those requesting permission to see tapes.
7. When school authorities observe any behavior that may be in violation of the law by any person, including students, school authorities may contact our local authorities may contact our local authorities to determine if such incident is sufficient to warrant criminal charges. If the authorities recommend that the tapes warrant law enforcement action, the central office and the proper authorities will be notified of this decision.
8. Law enforcement agencies may request viewing of tape to assist them in their investigative responsibilities after completion of the proper request form.
The School District maintains many student records including both directory information and confidential information.
Directory information includes: a student’s name; address; telephone number; date and place of birth; major field of study; participation in officially-recognized activities and sports; height and weight; if a member of an athletic team; dates of attendance, date of graduation; awards received; honor rolls; scholarships; telephone numbers only for inclusion in school or PTO directories; or unlisted numbers. (District Policy 8330)
Directory information can be provided upon request to any individual, other than a for-profit organization, even without the written consent of a parent. Parents may refuse to allow the board to disclose any or all of such “directory information” upon written notification to the Board. For further information about the items included within the category of directory information and instructions on how to prohibit its release you may wish to consult the board’s annual Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) notice which can be found in the High School Office.
Other than directory information, access to all other student records is protected by (FERPA) and Ohio law, the School District is prohibited from releasing confidential education records to any outside individual or organization without the prior written consent of the parents, or the adult student, as well as those individuals who have matriculated and entered a postsecondary educational institution at any age.
Confidential records include test scores, psychological reposts, behavioral data, disciplinary records, and communications with family and outside service providers.
Student and parents have the right to review and receive copies of all educational records. Cost for copies of records may be charged to the parent. To review student records please provide a written notice identifying requested student records to the High School Office. You will be given an appointment with the appropriate person to answer any questions and to review the requested student records.
Parents and adult students have the right to amend a student record when they believe that any of the information contained in the record is inaccurate, misleading or violates the student’s privacy. A parent or adult student must request the amendment of a student record in writing and if the request is denied, the parent or adult student will be informed of their right to a hearing on the matter.
Individuals have a right to file a complaint with the United States department of Education if they believe that the District has violated FERPA.
Consistent with the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA), no student shall be required, as a part of the school program or the District’s curriculum, without prior written consent of the student (if an adult, or an emancipated minor) or, if an unemancipated minor, his/her parents, to submit to or participate in any survey, analysis, or evaluation that reveals information concerning:
1. Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or his/her parent;
2. Mental or psychological problems of the student or his/her family;
3. Sex behavior or attitudes;
4. Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating or demeaning behavior;
5. Critical appraisals of other individuals with whom respondents have close family relationships;
6. Legally recognized privileged and analogous relationships, such as those of lawyers, physicians, and ministers;
7. Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or his/her parents; or
8. Income (other than that required by law to determine eligibility for participation in a program or for receiving financial assistance under such a program).
Consistent with the PPRA and Board policy, the Superintendent shall ensure that procedures are established whereby parents may inspect any materials used in conjunction with any such survey, analysis, or evaluation. Further, parents have the right to inspect, upon request, a survey or evaluation created by a third party before the survey/evaluation is administered or distributed by the school to the student. The parent will have access to the survey/evaluation within a reasonable period of time after the building principal receives the request. The Superintendent will provide notice directly to parents of students enrolled in the District of the substantive content of this policy at least annually at the beginning of the school year, and within a reasonable period of time after any substantive change in this policy. In addition, the Superintendent is directed to notify parents of students in the district, at least annually at the beginning of the school year, of the specific or approximate dates during the school year when the following activities are scheduled or expected to be scheduled:
1. Activities involving the collection, disclosure, or use of personal information collected from students for the purpose of marketing or for selling that information for otherwise providing that information to others for that purpose; and
2. The administration of any survey by a third party that contains one or more of the items described in 1 through 8 above.
The Family Policy Compliance Office in the U.S. Department of Education administers both FERPA and PPRA, Parents and /or eligible students who believe their rights have been violated may file a complaint with: FAMILY POLICY COMPLIANCE OFFICE U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. Informal inquiries may be sent to the Family Policy compliance Office via the following email addresses: FERPA@ED.Gov: and PPRA@ED.Gov.
If a sexual predator resides in or attends functions of the school and the school obtains knowledge of this action, the school will contact legal authorities for information to assist the school in the proper legal course to insure the safety of the children. If parents/community members wish to further investigate this area, they may look on the sheriff’s web-site:
Then scroll down left column to “sex offenders” It is the school’s intention to make Southern Local K-12 campus a safe, learning environment for all children and the community.
Prom participants must be in school the day of the Prom. Students with notes will be released to prepare for the Prom at 10:00 AM. Make all appointments after 11:00 AM. You will not be permitted to attend the Grand March and/or Prom if they do not follow the attendance rules. ALL students must ride the bus to Prom. Notes may be turned in beginning the Monday prior to Prom. If you are inviting a guest to Southern Local Prom, this out of school guest form must be completed and returned to the assistant principal. A list of approved guests will be posted in the office no later than 7 days prior to prom.
ALL GUESTS MUST BE ATTENDING/ENROLLED IN HIGH SCHOOL (GRADES 9-12) or a graduate of no more than 2 years AND not older than 20 by the Principal’s discretion.
All prom attire must be appropriate for a high school function. Prom attire is formal, which means no t-shirts, sweatshirts or tank tops are permitted. Attendees violating the dress code and wearing revealing clothes will not be permitted to enter the Grand March or Prom. Dress Code for Prom;
1. Hemlines or skirt slits may not be any shorter than 6 inches above the knee.
2. No see through tops, dresses or skirts are acceptable. No skin between the upper chest and the hem line can show.
3. Halter-tops, spaghetti tops and strapless dresses are permitted IF the chest is covered.
4. Backless dresses/tops cannot be so low as to reveal the lower back.
5. Shirts and shoes must remain on during the event. No athletic tops or tank tops are allowed.
Ohio’s Cell Phones in Schools Model Policy
To support school environments in which students can fully engage with their classmates, their teachers, and instruction, the Board of Education of Southern Local School District has determined the use of cell phones by students during school hours should be limited.
The objective of this policy is to strengthen Southern Local’s focus on learning, in alignment with our mission to ignite students’ passion for learning, cultivate a strong foundation of knowledge, and foster a sense of community within our schools.
I. Research
Research shows that student use of cell phones in schools has negative effects on student performance and mental health. Cell phones distract students from classroom instruction, resulting in smaller learning gains and lower test scores. Increased cell phone use has led to higher levels of depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders in children.
II. Applicability
This policy applies to the use of cell phones by students while on school property during school hours.
III. Use of cell phones
Students are prohibited from using cell phones at all times.
IV. Exception
Nothing in this policy prohibits a student from using a cell phone for a purpose documented in the student’s individualized education program developed under Chapter 3323 of the Ohio Revised Code or a plan developed under section 504 of the "Rehabilitation Act of 1973," 29 U.S.C. 794.
A student may use a cell phone to monitor or address a health concern.
V. Cell phone storage
Students shall keep their cell phones in a secure place, such as the student’s locker, a closed backpack, or a storage device provided by the district, at all times when cell phone use is prohibited
VI. Discipline
If a student violates this policy, a teacher or administrator shall take the following progressively serious disciplinary measures (check all that apply):
[X ] Give the student a verbal warning and require the student to store the student’s cell phone in accordance with this policy.
X] Securely store the student’s cell phone in a teacher- or administrator-controlled locker, bin, or drawer for the duration of the class or period.
[X ] Place the student’s cell phone in the school’s central office for the remainder of the school day.
[X ] Place the student’s cell phone in the school’s central office to be picked up by the student’s parent or guardian.
[X] Schedule a conference with the student’s parent or guardian to discuss the student’s cell phone use.
[X ] If recurrence, may result in in-school to out of school suspension.
1. Pupils must sit only in their assigned seats and are not permitted to change seats unless by driver request. Pupils must also remain seated at all times and are required to wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before leaving their seat to unload.
2. There must be ABSOLUTE QUIET at railroad crossings and other places of danger as specified by the driver.
3. Noise on the bus should be kept to a minimum. The same behavior is expected on a school bus as in a classroom. Pupils may talk quietly if the driver permits.
4. Any child who insists on misbehaving shall be denied the privilege of riding the bus by the proper authority.
5. Pupils are required to load promptly on the bus when dismissed from school. When discharged from the bus, they must go directly to their point of safety.
6. Transportation Procedures re