Veterans' Day
November 11, 2021
The Veterans Assembly was a welcome return to both the veterans and the students of Southern Local. The assembly was modified to maintain social distancing and meet the health guidelines. The student body watched the assembly from their classrooms while presenters and guest were gathered in the gymnasium. Below is a photo collection of the day's events.

The Veterans Day began at 8:30am with the Hospitality Hour. Veterans could visit and enjoy breakfast.

This year, the students provided the color guard.

Mrs. Emily Bowling welcomed the veterans to the day's program and introduced the student presenters. Pictured are FFA officers, Emily Walker, Marissa Stewart and Caleb Prendergast, The high school band, fifth graders Katie Kellogg and Eliana Forbes, junior Grace Brothers, the kindergarten class, senior Emily Mostella, and the choir.
The choir and band recognize the military branches by singing their song. As the branches song is played, the veterans stood to be recognized. The Junior High band members presented medals to the veterans and taps were played.
The choir and band recognize the military branches by singing their song. As the branches song is played, the veterans stood to be recognized. The Junior High band members presented medals to the veterans and taps were played.