Elexsis Chesser
Grade 12
acrylic painting (Acrylic Painting 1st Place)

Acrylic Painting - 1st Place

Logan McCartney
Grade 10
sculpture (Sculpture 1st Place)

Sculpture - 1st Place

Aubrey Brookes
Grade 9
acrylic painting

Sophia Patterson
Grade 8
Best of Show

Shiloh Heines
Grade 7
pen & ink (Black & White 3rd Place)

Black & White - 3rd Place

Lucas Faine
Grade 6

Brooke Brown
- Charcoal Drawing

Mixed Media - 3rd Place

Watercolor, Tempera & Gouache - 1st Place

Acrylic Painting - Honorable Mention
Elexsis Chesser
- Mix Media (Mixed Media 3rd Place)
- Watercolor Painting (Watercolor, Tempera & Gouache 1st Place)
- Gouache Painting (Acrylic Paintings Honorable Mention)
Elexsis Chesser
Works completed during high school career
- Acrylic Painting
- Mixed Media
- Pen & Ink Drawing

Collin Heiney
- Pen & Ink Drawing

Ashley Joy
- Acrylic Painting
- Oil Pastels Painting
- Acrylic Painting / Ceiling Tile
- Clay Sculpture with top view

Water color, Tempera & Gouache - 2nd Place

Darrel Kramer
- Acrylic Painting
- Watercolor Painting (Watercolor, Tempera & Gouache 2nd Place)
- Acrylic Painting
- Acrylic Painting / Ceiling Tile
- Charcoal Drawing
Darrel Kramer
Works completed during high school career
- Charcoal Drawing
- Acrylic Painting

Landon Vincent
- Pen & Ink Drawing (Black & White Drawing - Honorable Mention)
- Sculpture with top view (Sculpture 3rd Place)

Sculpture - 3rd Place

Hunter Dalehite
Grade 11
- Clay Sculpture

Hannah Phillips
Grade 11
- Acrylic Painting

Alex Heckathorn
Grade 10
- Acrylic Painting
- Pen & Ink Drawing
- Gouache Painting (Watercolor, Tempera & Gouache 1st Place)
- Sculpture with top view (Sculpture 2nd Place)

Watercolor, Tempera & Gouache - 1st Place

Sculpture - 2nd Place

Haylee Kauffman
Grade 10
- Marker Drawing
- Clay Sculpture with top view (Sculpture Honorable Mention)

Sculpture - Honorable Mention

Logan McCartney
Grade 10
- Pen & Ink Drawing (Black & White 2nd Place)
- Acrylic Painting (Acrylic Painting 3rd Place)

Black & White - 2nd Place

Acrylic Painting - 3rd Place
Timothy Potts
Grade 10
- Acrylic Painting
- Watercolor Painting (Watercolor, Tempera & Gouache 3rd Place)

Watercolor, Tempera & Gouache - 3rd Place
Steven Saltzman
Grade 10
- Acrylic Painting
- Pencil Drawing
- Pen & Ink Drawing

Olivia Sorgman
Grade 10
- Acrylic Painting
- Pencil Drawing
- Pen & Ink Drawing
- Pen & Ink Drawing (Black & White Drawing - 3rd Place)

Black & White Drawing -
3rd Place
Aiylee Treloar
Grade 10
- Color Pencil drawing

Shane Batcha
Grade 9
- Pen & Ink Drawing

Aubrey Brookes
Grade 9
- Pen & Ink Drawing

Wren Burkett
Grade 9
- Mixed Media (Mixed Media 2nd Place)

Mixed Media - 2nd Place

Zoey Cope
Grade 9
- Pen & Ink Drawing

Brock Corbin
Grade 9
- Color Pencil Drawing
- Acrylic Painting (Acrylic Painting 2nd Place)
- Pencil Drawing
- Pen & Ink Drawing (BlacK & White Drawing - Honorable Mention)

Acrylic Painting - 2nd Place

Black & White Drawing -
Honorable Mention
Kaleb Cremeans
Grade 9
- Pencil Drawing

Aiden Davis
Grade 9
- Color Pencil Drawing (Colorful Drawing 1st Place)

Colorful Drawing - 1st Place

Alyssa Deeley
Grade 9
- Acrylic Painting
- Colored Pencil (Colorful Drawing 1st Place)
- Pen & Ink Drawing

Colorful Drawing - 1st Place

Connor Dickey
Grade 9
- Color Pencil Drawing
- Pen & Ink Drawing

Alivia Evans
Grade 9
- Acrylic Painting
- Color Pencil Drawing (Colorful Drawing 2nd Place)
- Watercolor Painting (Watercolor, Tempera & Gouache 3rd Place)

Colorful Drawing - 2nd Place

Watercolor, Tempera & Gouache - 3rd Place
Jasmine Foley
Grade 9
- Pencil Drawing

Trevor Groff
Grade 9
- Acrylic Painting

Landen Heffner
Grade 9
- Pen & Ink Drawing

Makenna Jones
Grade 9
- Color Pencil Drawing (Colorful Drawing 3rd Place)

Colorful Drawing - 3rd Place

Robbie Marra
Grade 9
- Pencil Drawing
- Pen & Ink Drawing

Colton Mitchell
Grade 9
- Pen & Ink Drawing

Drake Mitchell
Grade 9
- Pencil Drawing

Angel Parsons
Grade 9
- Pen & Ink Drawing

Patrick Pearson
Grade 9
- Pen & Ink Drawing
- Pencil Drawing

Allyssa Shroades
Grade 9
- Acrylic Painting
- Color Pencil Drawing
- Pen & Ink Drawing

Caleb Baker
Grade 8
- Pencil Drawing

Tessa Board
Grade 8
- Pencil Drawing (Drawing 2nd Place)

Drawing - 2nd Place

Sophie Cain
Grade 8
- Pencil Drawing
- Watercolor & Pen Drawing

Raelea Carosiello
Grade 8
- Clay Sculpture with top view

Adyn Conley
Grade 8
- Tempera Painting

Makayla Davison
Grade 8
- Acrylic Painting

Wyatt Dickson
Grade 8
- Tempera Painting

Brayden Gotschall
Grade 8
- Tempera Painting (Watercolor, Tempera, & Gouache Honorable Mention)

Watercolor, Tempera & Gouache - Honorable Mention

Aiden Hamilton
Grade 8
- Clay Sculpture with top view

Kadence Hill
Grade 8
- Marker Drawing

Logan Ketchum
Grade 8
- Color Pencil Drawing

Robert Knox
Grade 8
- Mixed Media
- Clay Sculpture with top view

Natalie Lopez
Grade 8
- Mixed Media
- Clay Sculpture with top view

Layla McCauley
Grade 8
- Color Pencil Drawing

Mara Miller
Grade 8
- Pencil Drawing (Drawing 3rd Place)
- Mixed Media (Mixed Media Honorable Media)

Drawing - 3rd Place

Mixed Media - Honorable Mention
Sophia Patterson
Grade 8
- Pencil Drawing (Drawing 1st Place)

Drawing - 1st Place

Trace Savin
Grade 8
- Pencil & Marker Drawing
- Marker Drawing (Colorful Drawing Honorable Mention)

Colorful Drawing - Honorable Mention
Olivia Shaffer
Grade 8
- Watercolor Drawing

Cody Shope
Grade 8
- Pencil Drawing

Kiah Sloan
Grade 8
- Watercolor Painting

Heylee Sturgeon
Grade 8
- Marker Drawing

Cadence Thompson
Grade 8
- Pencil Drawing (Drawing 1st Place)
- Pencil Drawing (Drawing Honorable Mention)
- Acrylic Painting (Acrylic Painting 2nd Place)
- Charcoal Drawing (Black & White 1st Place)
- Pen & Ink Drawing (Black & White 1st Place)

Drawing - 1st Place

Drawing - Honorable Mention

Acrylic Painting - 2nd Place

Black & White - 1st Place

Black & White - 1st Place
Khali Velgia
Grade 8
- Mixed Media

Donnavin Watson
Grade 8
- Marker Drawing

Leigha Williams
Grade 8
- Acrylic Painting

Airianna Adams
Grade 7
- Pencil Drawing

Mary Beadnell
Grade 7
- Pencil Drawing

Shiloh Hines
Grade 7
- Tempera and Oil Pastel Painting (Mixed Media 1st Place)

Mixed Media - 1st Place

Zane Manist
Grade 7
- Color Pencil Drawing
- Mixed Media

Liam Marshall
Grade 7
- Pencil Drawing

Kyla Miller
Grade 7
- Pen & Ink Drawing
- Pencil Drawing

Ryan Reynolds
Grade 7
- Clay Sculpture with top view

Braxton Sloan
Grade 7
- Pencil Drawing