Alumni Class lists - (1892 to present day)
SSACS - (Salineville-Southern Alumni Community Scholarship Foundation)

The Graduating Class of 1992 marked the 100th year anniversary of the Salineville-Southern Alumni. Joyce Polen set to the task to commemorate the occasion by collecting all the graduating /alumni information and publishing it for the event. The response was so great, Joyce continued to update the list with new graduates, pictures and added information from the alumni. We have taken Joyce's work and added it the Alumni's pages. Click here and go down memory lane.

As we worked on the Joyce's pages to add them to the website, we noticed Joyce was adding class colors, class flower, class motto, class song, and class officers when she was given the information
We didn't have access to Salineville High School's yearbooks, but we did have access to Southern Local High School's yearbooks. While going through the yearbooks, we found a special dedication we would like to share.

"The 1989 Warrior Staff Wishes to Dedicate This Edition of The Warrior To All Of The Alumni Of Southern Local High School. They Who Went Before Us Have Lighted The Passage Of Learning And Blazed The Trails Into the Unknown Which We Have Gratefully Followed.
Their Accomplishments Are Many.
Their Honors Are Justly Deserved."

The sketches of the four schools were sketched by William Sterling Hart (Class of 1950). Joyce used Williams sketches for the cover page of her memory book. We thought the sketches were so beautiful, we would like to share them with everyone. Thank you Joyce and William for your contributions!