

Blue and Silver

The Mountain of Life is ours to Climb.

PRESIDENT: Edward Arsuffi
VICE PRESIDENT: Bonita Dangelo
SECRETARY: Linda Griffith
TREASURER: Karen Buzzard

The Class of Sixty-five at last
Those twelve long years are now our past.
We've shared hardships each step of the way
To achieve our goals by graduation day.
Our memories will be bright and gay
As we recall another day...
Our proms, our dances, the games we cheered
We'll always treasure through the years.
To bring you to our sorrows
And a smile to our tears.
Now the future years are ours to see
Our places relinquished to the Senior-to-be.
We'll walk down the aisle, our heads held high,
As we bid Southern Local our final good-bye.

Goodbye Southern, the time has come to go now, Goodbye Southern, the time has come to leave now. Though our parting will make us forlorn,
We know with each dawn, a new day is born.
And so we'll
Take the memories of all the friends we're leaving, Take the memories of football games and dancing. You don't know how greatly we will miss you, Goodbye Southern, goodbye.
Goodbye Southern, though you'll not be with us, Goodbye Southern, through each path you'll guide us.
We'll remember the joy we have known
And with your help, how wise we have grown.
So we'll say
Goodbye Southern, the time has come to go now, Goodbye Southern, we're Seniors for the last time. The doors of life are opening wide before us, Goodbye Southern, goodbye.