Darrell Lynn Alford
Kenneth Anderson
Elizabeth Louise Bach
Charles Albert Bettis
Richard Allen Boley
Bonita Marie Brandt
Francis William Briceland
William Curtis Bridge
Trudy Loch Brothers
Shirley Mae Brown
Shirley Jean Buxton
David Daniel Carpenter
Bernadine Lee Chevront
Jonathan Vale Chuey
Linda Gail Clark
Charles Clarence Cox
Samuel John Davis
Louise Day
David Dwight Dean
Gary Ronald Dean
Dianne Rae Detchon
John Edward Eastham
Forrest Lee Edmond
James Allen Falconer
John Mervin Fergason
Thomas Weldon Fergason
James Douglas Feth
Lonnie Ray Fields
Renee Lee Forbes
Lana Fugate
Lawrence Clark Gardner
Patrick Murray Gast
Phillip Murray Gast
William Russel Grodhaus
Dolores Darlin Guthrie
Ricky Allen Hanley
Gary Oaken Hawkins
Thomas Eugene Hays
Tomilin Sue Heiney
Steven James Hill
Thomas Joseph Hinchliffe
Susan Eva Hirst
Earl Brandon Holmes
Danny Bruce Hoyt
Janice Irene Hunter
Gerald Allen Ingledue
Richard Robert Javens
Ernest Richard Johnson
Tilford Jones
Roland Jay Kellogg
John Albert Ketchum
Charlene Ann Lee
Gary Allan Leishman
Kathryn Marie Leonard
Johnny Lee Martin
Deborah Corola McCollough
Lawrence Eugene McDevitt
Mitchell McGuire
Robert William McPherson
Bruce Allen Melhorn
Sherry Lee Mercer
Jeralyn Mae Miller
Stanley Watson Miller
Gary William Morgan
Jacquelyn Rae Needham
Sandra Virginia Osgood
Regina Rae Owens
Ronald Keith Owens
Sheryl Christine Patterson
Charles Henry Pelley Jr.
Loretta Kay Phillips
Eileen Kay Pierson
John Michael Pierson
Kenneth Dean Pitts
Beverly Jane Reight
MaryAnne Rhodes
Delorma Jean Rice
Gilbert Nelson Rice
Kathryn Irene Rose
Betty Lou Rowley
Margaret Eattna Schmidt
Sue Ann Serafy
Nancee Rae Shaff
Duane David Simpson
Roseanne Smith
William Doss Smith
Daniel George Stoffel
Nancy Lee Thompson
Charlotte Jean Wells
William Allan Wells
Robert Lewis Winters
Frances Pauline Young
Class of 1966
Eileen Pierson, Valedictorian


Kathleen Rose, Slautatorian


Class Flower

Class Flower

White Orchid

Class Colors

Aqua and White

Class Motto

"Strive for a goal of happiness."

Class Officers

President: Kathy Rose
Vice President: Bill McPherson
Secretary: Janice Hunter
Treasurer: Eileen Pierson

Class Poem

In our hearts and minds we hold
Memories young and memories old.
We think of Southern with pride and joy.
And with hearts contrite and loyal.

Our class, we think, is one of the best.
One of the first to pass the test.

We think of all the things we've done.
Our school days have been filled with fun.
We welcome the Juniors to our Senior place.
And hope they solve the problems they face.

Now we are Seniors long at last.
And how the years have gone fast.
As we go our separate ways
We realize the foundation education lays.

For ow we are on the cross road of life,
We separate with dread but not strife.
We've been together for many years,
Leaving our friends will bring many tears.
So now the great class of sixty-six
Wishes to leave its whole hearted respect.

Class Song

We bid you Southern High our last farewell
We hate to say good-bye as you can tell.
The great path of life we all shall tread
Remembering the thing we did and said.

Our memories of football games and proms
Will linger in our hearts although they're gone.
Though the years did seem to fly
Now it's time to say good-bye
We will be remembering our dear old Southern High.